With Mary Millington is?
Have you got this vid alec? It seems to be 4 dif sections(on my vid) the 1st section is 'betrayed'
ID of Betrayed girl
Re: ID of Betrayed girl
Which vid - your attempt to post a picture (?) didn't work. In any case I don't have any Mary Millington videos any more.
Re: ID of Betrayed girl
I think the webserver the pic is on may be a bit shafted.
Try cliicking here a few times, and see if you can get it to come up..
Try cliicking here a few times, and see if you can get it to come up..
Re: ID of Betrayed girl
Just get the forehead of a brunettte and a pair of boots in the picture on the right - I presume originally a set of four vidcaps.
Re: ID of Betrayed girl
Hm, I see all four vidcaps in one image. Scrollbar problem? 
None of the four are really much use for ID, though, unless you are already very familiar with the subjects, I suspect.

None of the four are really much use for ID, though, unless you are already very familiar with the subjects, I suspect.
Re: ID of Betrayed girl
Now you get 'the resoruce requested could not be found on this server' and get redirected. I just looked and although I have four sets of vicaps from Betrayed, they feature only Mary. If anyone managed to save this pic, perhaps they might post it elsewhere or e-mail it to me.