26% of Americans accept Darwinism

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Sam Slater
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Re: 26% of Americans accept Darwinism

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Science (not just evolution) is under attack in America. Many states don't allow schools to teach evolution as science. And they have the nerve to point the finger at the Taliban.[/quote]

Exactly. It's the exact same with Islamic states. Science has gone by the wayside. Where once Islam was at the forefront of science, conservative, Islamic fascists have stopped progress dead in it's tracks. (since the 13th century it seems).

Stupidly it seems America is countering Islamic fundamentalism with Christian fundamentalism. What's so funny is that Christian and Islamic extremists who're very suspicious of science, actually use science to build weapons and kill eachother.

Hypocrisy yet again. !wink!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: 26% of Americans accept Darwinism

Post by strictlybroadband »

Sam Slater wrote:

> Hypocrisy yet again. !wink!

That seems to be your word of the week. !happy!

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Re: 26% of Americans accept Darwinism

Post by Deano! »

Any cunt who reckons that evolution explains everything has a boiled egg for a brain.

Life is so complicated it simply could never have occured through an almost endless series of unbelievably fortunate accidents, as some people would have it. It took mankind thousands of years of learning and careful experimentation to make something like a space shuttle - which is still a rusty peice of shit compared to a frog.

Why cant we simply admit that we DONT FUCKING KNOW how life came about....and then work from there!?
Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
Sam Slater
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Re: 26% of Americans accept Darwinism

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Life is so complicated it simply could never have occured through an almost endless series of unbelievably fortunate accidents, as some people would have it.[/quote]

There isn't one atom in any living thing that isn't found on Earth......or space somewhere. The very atoms that make up the gas Methane are the exact same atoms inside you and me. The very atoms that make up the Moon are inside that cats skull over the street, and the exact same atoms that make up the rings of Saturn are the exact same atoms that make up the feathers on that bird you can hear singing outside.

Earth already had an abundance of the atoms it needed to begin life. The only accident that occurred was getting the right atoms to bond into the correct molecules in the right conditions. Think of the chances......... say 5 trillion to 1 chance of it happening in any given day. That's very unlikely..........but think about how many atoms on Earth there are, and how many days old it is and that trillion to 1 chance has gone down to being very probable indeed.

There's only ever one accident, not a series of accidents. Life evolves by adapting to chance events and circumstances, not by accidents themselves. Anyone who thinks evolution is a series of accidents hasn't got a boiled egg for a brain -as you so eloquently put it- but I'd conclude that they don't understand evolution, either through laziness or individual intelligence limits.

[quote]It took mankind thousands of years of learning and careful experimentation to make something like a space shuttle - which is still a rusty peice of shit compared to a frog.[/quote]

Frogs have had over 10 million years to evolve. Man has only been trying to build space shuttles for less than 100 years.

[quote]hy cant we simply admit that we DONT FUCKING KNOW how life came about....and then work from there!?[/quote]

Errrr.....we already did start from not knowing anything !laugh! Trouble is, now we're finding answers some ignoramuses either don't want to accept the findings, or can't grasp it, so they ignore it.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: 26% of Americans accept Darwinism

Post by keithphillips »

The Edge Glamour Models
Hi Sam,
Did you not see the fantastic Richard Dawkins docs 'Root of all evil.' They are truly scary. Christian and Jewish children are being taught the Adam and Eve story as fact. The docs are now available on DVD.


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Re: 26% of Americans accept Darwinism

Post by fudgeflaps »

I believe, fully and absolutely, that we are as far evolved physically as we can go.

Hence, we are currently going through the next evolution: the evolution of the Mind.

There are always blips and kinks to iron out in evolution, and it gets refined through natural selection.

Hence the prevalence of mental illness in today's society- the schizophrenics, the manic-depressives, the unipolar-depressives; these people are termed 'ill', but the majority of these sufferers are exceptionally intelligent and multi-gifted. The exceptional cases, yes, do need locked up.

The mind is trying to reach a higher level.

Mark my words.

Emily Cartwright
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Re: 26% of Americans accept Darwinism

Post by Emily Cartwright »

strictlybroadband wrote:

> I'd love to hear SM's alternative to both evolution and
> creation.


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