The Sky is Falling/ My Cock is Limp

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Bruce Barnard
Posts: 100
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

The Sky is Falling/ My Cock is Limp

Post by Bruce Barnard »

In summary: I wrote a book about the UK sex industry that sold well but was met with widespread critical apathy. As I write the follow up I return to the BGAFD O/T forum in order to undertake a mythical quest to discover the true nature of masculinity.

That?s the title of the next book you see: Beef! A Journey Through Modern Masculinity. It?s a semi-confessional polemic about life as a confused male who oozes inept impotence from every pore but is still seen by some as the ultimate expression of phallic-centric evil on account of a) having a cock, and b) being vaguely proud of having a cock.

Anyway the use of the word impotence isn?t just a literary device. My cock has ceased to work. Ironically, it?s just at the point where I?m in a position to ?fish hook? some sweet gals? who seem to find me charming.


Can anyone offer me some sweet porn wisdom?

Kind Regards


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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: The Sky is Falling/ My Cock is Limp

Post by Lizard »

You need to see the a cock doctor Bruce, and quick.

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