John Terry

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Re: John Terry

Post by MARCCE »

Now I do agree with you about the fly by night fans. In fact, having gone home and away regularly for over 20 years and being a season ticket holder for 10 of those years, I gave it up the year after our first PL win because I just couldn't stick the corporate crowd we were attracting. The atmosphere had become a joke culminating in a near silent ground when we played Liverpool in the Champions League semi finals, a night that should have seen one of the best atmospheres ever at the Bridge. That night was the last straw for me and since the end of that season I've been to just 2 games in the last 2 years.

I'm just as passionate about Chelsea as I ever was but the crowd we were starting to and have continued to attract ruined going to games for me.

Having said that, it's happening all over the country to a degree.
Benny Brando
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Re: John Terry

Post by Benny Brando »

A very touchy reply but one that I expected as Chelsea fans are very jumpy when the truth is pointed out to them.

Abramovich's money doesn't make you a big club. It makes you a rich club. Whether you like it or not you can't buy what Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool have. You can buy trophies but you can't buy the rest of it.

Lastly I didn't think Stamford Bridge was sold out every week. 3-4 league games with tickets available as well as Champs Lge games. That's not packing them in. try getting tickets for Liverpool and Arsenal as two of my sons do. The sold out signs go up weeks before.

Contrary to what you might think then I don't hate Chelsea. What I don't like is the arrogance and delusions of grandeur that some of you have. You're living a dream with Abramovich. Enjoy it but just don't expect the rest of the footballing world share your views.
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Re: John Terry

Post by MARCCE »

So "what" exactly do United, Arsenal and Liverpool have besides the trophies? And don't say "history" because that was the exact point I made in my first post on this subject.

Btw, my reply wasn't touchy at all. I actually find the whole thing amusing when after back to back title wins people trot out the "you're not a big club" argument and then fail dismally to quantify what the hell a "big" club is meant to be. At the moment, like it or not, we tick all the boxes. Just like Milan did with Berlusconi's money, like Juve did with Agnelli's money and even like Liverpool did with the pools money behind them.

And I think you'll find that Chelsea fans have very few delusions of grandeur. Most of us are well aware that Chelsea have a constant habit of shooting itself in the foot when all's looking rosy in the garden. The delusions of grandeur seem to be almost exclusive to Liverpool who just can't seem able to accept that they're just not that important at this particular moment in time and keep having to harp back to triumphs from 30 years ago.
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Re: John Terry

Post by Lizard »

So! well done all round, but it looks like the championships heading to the Mancs.

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Benny Brando
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Re: John Terry

Post by Benny Brando »

In case you didn't understand before then I'll explain it again for you.

To be a big club then you need a large supporter base and a successful history and tradition. The large supporter base brings the club wealth.

Chelsea are a mid size club with a very average history at best and decent but not great supporter base. The only box you tick is the one with mega rich owner and like Lazio before that's only temporary.

Milan and Juventus not only have rich owners they have a great history of success over many decades. Milan were a great club long before Berlusconi came along.

As for Liverpool then I'm not a fan. I support my local club Yeovil Town but lets face it Liverpool are a big club. Not as big as Man Utd and probably not as big as Arsenal but they're miles bigger than you lot and at least they were winning titles 20-30 years ago.

It obviously rankles with you that a club "that's not that important at this particular moment" has knocked you out of 2 semi finals. Just proves that money can't buy you everything.

I'll leave this thread to you now as obviously being a Chelsea fan and a cockney then no doubt you know everything.
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Re: John Terry

Post by fudgeflaps »

I would say to the True Blues: "Boycott your club".

But then, why?

The fans don't turn up, and Abramovich absconders.

Then......... without Roman, the club are finished!!! Nobody could, or would, take on that debt.

Catch 22, that mental Russki has the club and the fans by the balls.

A real shame.

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Re: John Terry

Post by Marino »

Jesus Christ. My arse has been well and truly fisted this week. Well done Arsenal. Come on lads you can give it to me now. I have been knocked off my Highbury Horse.

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Re: John Terry

Post by MARCCE »

Now I was going to let this go because I'm getting bored with it.

However, a couple of things need pointing out to you. Firstly, you need a successful history and large fan base to be a big club because the large fan base generates the wealth. Can you please explain to me then how Chelsea generate a higher turnover per year than both Liverpool and Arsenal? That is, money brought into the club via TV revenue, merchandise, sponsorship deals etc.

Secondly, I can assure you that a couple of semi final defeats at the hands of Liverpool really don't bother me at all seeing as the first came 3 days after we had just secured our first title win in 50 years and the second came a week before we made it back to back titles by stuffing the Mancs.

And now I am really bored of this so I'll knock it on the head there.
Benny Brando
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Re: John Terry

Post by Benny Brando »

So much bullshit from you and the sad thing is that you actually believe what you are saying. I aint even a Liverpool fan but a fool can see that 40-50 years of a glorious history and success is miles better than two bought League Champions. Your worse than a fool. You're nothing without Abramovich but Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool would all be great without a rich owner.

This is an old joke but very apt for you. Whats the difference between a Chelsea fan and a computer? You only have to punch information in to a computer once.

This really is my last post on this so say what you want as I'm not going to waste any more of my time with a total dimwit like you.
The Last Word
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Re: John Terry

Post by The Last Word »

MARCCE wrote:

> Can youplease explain to me then how Chelsea generate a higher turnover per year than both Liverpool and Arsenal? That is, money brought into the club via TV revenue, merchandise, sponsorship deals etc.

So it all boils down to PR and accountancy, does it? The iron must've entered the soul of the game further than I'd thought.

No disrespect to the Chelsea faithful of yore (some of whom, sadly, probably can't afford to attend these days), but we'll see how big a club they are when we see how many of their new found fans remain once the trophies and titles start going elsewhere more often. Surely that's the test?

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