NFL game in the U.K.

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Arginald Valleywater
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Who cares. NFL is a game for fat, talentless and usually brain dead Yanks who find Rugby too tough and fast moving.
mike johnson
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by mike johnson »

Oh please. NFL football is so physical & violent it is almost impossible to watch up close for a decent human being. Dislike it if you will but don't make false statements about it.

Benny Brando
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by Benny Brando »

Totally agree. The quality of the physical athlete in the NFL is quite scary.

Big, extrremely strong and very quickathletes (excpet for the defensive and offensive lines) makes the hitting ferocious.

The helmets and padding are there for a reason.
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by baggieb »

Some wide receivers can run as quickly as some of the top sprinters in athletics and thats with padding on.
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by strictlybroadband »

They tried this in the 80s Brits won't ever go for American football in a big way. We have real sports, so why would we flock to see a game that's designed around the needs of TV advertisers?

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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

Well we love our football here no matter what you's think! GO CHICAGO BEARS!! for the superbowl!
mike johnson
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by mike johnson »

Well,c.j., I thought Chicago +7 was the way to go, but hate to pull for the Bears because they have a Gator QB, & the damn UFers have heads swelled enuff already w/out one of theirs quarterbacking a Super Bowl winner.

But I fear I am boring hell out of our gracious British hosts.....Apologies, sirs & ladies.

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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

Well the critics favor the Colts by 7 points and yes Rex Grossman is in his elements and people forget that we do have at least one player on our team with a superbowl ring. I forget who though.
Steve R
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by Steve R »

I've always considered baseball to be a much better game.

Although I haven't attended a sporting event for many years, I think I might make the effort if they were to schedule a game in London.

Bob Singleton
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Re: NFL game in the U.K.

Post by Bob Singleton »

I started watching the Super Bowl last night but fell asleep... and I'm the sort of person who rarely goes to bed much before 2.00am. I now wished I had taped it so that I could use the footage in the future on those nights when I want to fall asleep earlier than usual.

Americans complain that cricket is a boring game because "nothing" happens... sorry, but 3 seconds of nonsensical "action" followed by a couple of minutes of commercial breaks is not my idea of a fast flowing spectacle!

Most Brits will be indifferent (and quite rightly so... we already have to put up with McDonalds and Starbucks in every high street... why should we have to accommodate yet more third rate Americana?) as we already have our own football and two forms of rugby, all three of which are far superior in spectacle.

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