Ben Dover DVDs
Ben Dover DVDs
Having bought the 4 VCA Ben Dover DVDs and discovered the wonderful quality of both picture and sound I am wondering if tthe latest efforts as now offered by Your Choice as tapes will soon be available on DVD. They've been listed by the Yanks as pending for some time, bur not much sign of action. No one is asking for advanced orders. Has Ben's new marketing system changed things? I don't want to buy any more tapes.
Re: Ben Dover DVDs
What new marketing system? The information about Your Choice is not new - it just needed spelling out again. If you mean the R18s, then this probably slowed things down in terms of editing masters for DVD and Your Choice as he re-edited and re-packaged R18s.
Re: Ben Dover DVDs
Email them and ask. Jay let's me know if stuff is in the pipeline, he's very helpful indeed.
But some of the DVDs they have aren't VCA ones; there are only four VCA DVDs available as far as I can tell, and the others are 'coming soon.' Your Choice have two of these, I guess they'll catch up with the others soonish. I don't think they keep much stock of DVDs, and the logisitcs of it puts them off promoting them too much.
But some of the DVDs they have aren't VCA ones; there are only four VCA DVDs available as far as I can tell, and the others are 'coming soon.' Your Choice have two of these, I guess they'll catch up with the others soonish. I don't think they keep much stock of DVDs, and the logisitcs of it puts them off promoting them too much.