Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

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Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by fudgeflaps »

I couldn't get to sleep last night, so I was watching a bit of graveyard telly and there was this 'yoof TV' shite (I thought TV programmers knew better) called 'Whatever' on channel 4- the usual; twat presenters, gaudy set, jaunty 'kool' camera angles.

Special Guest Star: porn legend Ben Dover.

He was chatting away quite the thing, a wee bit about his history and a few anecdotes. Then the key question: "How much have you made from porn?". The reply: "About ?4.5 million!!".

I never realised.........! Is there anyone else in UK porn who has started more-or-less from scratch who can rival this level of success??

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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by planeterotica »

He deserves every penny !love!

Sam Slater
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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]He deserves every penny[/quote]

No, the girls do.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
andy at handiwork
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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by andy at handiwork »

David Sullivan didn't do too badly for himself.
Alex L
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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by Alex L »

Quite - around ?575 million as at 2005 - not bad for only pretending to sell porn!


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andy at handiwork
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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by andy at handiwork »

Good point.
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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by Marino »

Although many of you know he and I fell out. I will say this he has worked dam hard to get where he is. His fortune did not come to him over night. And you would expect any fifty year old man at the top of his profession to be worth that and more.

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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by planeterotica »

Marino wrote:

> Although many of you know he and I fell out. I will say this he
> has worked dam hard to get where he is. His fortune did not
> come to him over night. And you would expect any fifty year old
> man at the top of his profession to be worth that and more.
> I agree, Ben Dover showed us how porn should be shot, he had his own style and kept it British he made it look asa though he was filming the girl next door !love!

mark cremona
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Re: Ben Dover, multi-millionaire.

Post by mark cremona »

plus, I believe he started dabbling in the then burgeoning real estate market in the late 80's, turning healthy profits on a number of properties in the meantime, thought I stand to be corrected.