All Women Count

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Posts: 122
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

All Women Count

Post by zoomraker »

Due to recent events, it has become clear that the argument that the state should not, through its laws, condone a lifestyle that most find distasteful and demeaning is not good enough.

It is time for us to treat our sisters, daughters and friends who have chosen, or become trapped in a lifestyle that we see as bad with compassion.

It is time our taxes were spent on protecting the vulnerable rather than persecuting them.

It is time for managed red light zones where women can be protected and offered help, I feel that any politicians who continue to oppose this have blood on there hands and should be ashamed.

I urge you to:

sign this petition

and email your MP, its really easy.
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: All Women Count

Post by grazzianno »

This is a really good idea zoomraker. But, prostitution is NOT a criminal offence in this country! ( It is soliciting on the street and kerb crawling and brothels etc that are illegal). I'm sure this petition will do much better if it is directed more precisely. In which case I'll certainly back it. Best regards
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Re: All Women Count

Post by Guilbert »

Maybe a campaign to stop the b*stards giving women drugs so they get hooked and HAVE to go on the streets.

How many of the 5 girls that were killed would have been on the streets if they had not been encouraged to take drugs.

How many OTHER girls are on the streets cos their pimp keeps them on drugs.

I would LOVE it if we could bring in the death penalty for importing or pushing drugs.

These people are the lowest level of scum who have no consideration for human life.

If they dont care about other human life then lets end theirs.

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: All Women Count

Post by grazzianno »

Good point Guilbert. Especially since we are currently fighting a war in the country where our heroin is sourced. There are many options in approaching the heroin problem, just like prostitution. And just like prostitution our governement has chosen to choose no options and hope; things'll sort themselves out, or we'll forget about it and not be too dissapointed that our ministers aren't competent to manage the country. Start a petition Guilbert. Show them the game is up.
Posts: 122
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: All Women Count

Post by zoomraker »

Agree with your point about the wording of the petition, it was not me that set it up.

As far as the drug issue goes if they were legalised and drug addiction was treated as a medical issue rather than a criminal offence addicts would not need to sell there bodies on the streets.

In my view prohibition is very rarely the answer.