9/11 prediction

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Re: 9/11 prediction

Post by lukeolson »

jeez, I wonder how many people are disputing that :-/
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Re: 9/11 prediction

Post by dynatech »

Warren, when u have a spare half hour, watch this film, made by a staunch but concerned and disgusted Republican. It opened my eyes somewhat

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... 3&q=9%2F11
(clickable link on NandoRick's posting)

They're locking them up today, they're throwing away the key...I wonder who it be tomorrow, you or me?
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Re: 9/11 prediction

Post by lukeolson »

You're taking to a sheep who is 'happy' with the official explanation. He's happy with the fact that no black box data was ever released despite rescue workers reporting they have found them and were told to shut up by the FBI, he's happy that 9/11 is the only day in history that steel framed buildings have collapsed due to fire, he's happy that days before the attacks PUT options were purchased on the companies involved, he's happy that the president would only agree to give evidence whilst Dick Cheney was present, he's happy that hundreds of fire fighters witness reports of explosions were disguarded and looked over, he's happy that mohammed atta recieved a $100k wire from the Pakistani ISI chief who was required to be approved by the CIA, happy that WTC7 was not mentioned once in the 9/11 commission report, happy that the commission was ran by a guy who wrote a book with Condy Rice, happy that Norman Mineta's damming testimony was ignored, happy that Larry Silverstein WTC owner is on TV saying that they decided to 'pull it' refering to WTC 7.......

Close your eyes, go back to sleep or simply gloss over these things...as long as your happy what else matters?
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Re: 9/11 prediction

Post by lukeolson »

warren zevon rip wrote:

> Back to post one: why are some pieces of information on a web
> site you agree with "FACTS" and why are some other pieces of
> information on most news channels, etc not "FACTS". I would
> like to hear your way of deciding what a "FACT" actualy is.

A theory is not a fact! To give you an example. I'm sure you think Bin Laden is the mastermind of this terrible act. Go to the FBI website and look at his Most Wanted page, you will find not 1 mention of 9/11 or the WTC as crimes he is wanted for. When asked the FBI said it isn't mentioned because they have no proof! Yet the general opinion is that Bin Laden did it. Just who is responsible for this being drilled into peoples heads?

I'm not saying the media lies, I'm saying you don't get the full story from one news source because it's rare the whole story is ever covered. At the time of 9/11 I bought the official theory, like most people. But when you penetrate past the mainstream news channels you find out things that they do not tell you.


> Why believe the unofficial, conspiracy theory rather than the
> official version?

what exactly is the unofficial theory? there isn't one!! just questions that the official theory does not explain.
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: 9/11 prediction

Post by lukeolson »

And btw warren, if you doubt that the US administration would ever commit such vile acts against it's own people that read the official de-classified operational Northwoods document:


'The plan, which was not implemented, called for various false flag actions, including simulated or real state-sponsored acts of terrorism (such as hijacked planes) on U.S. and Cuban soil. The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer.'

This is a FACT that no one is denying, it's an official document. If they planned to do it in the past, what makes you think they wouldn't do it again?

Just think of all the things that have been done in the name of 9/11, patriot act, war in Iraq, war in Afghanistan. Without 9/11 these things would not have happened.