Violent Porn Petition

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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jock »

I understand their viewpoint all too well – they supported censorship of legal material for the sake of their own profits, and to the detriment of the consumer; that doesn’t mean I have to agree with or respect it, particularly when they used propaganda to achieve their goal (security, child protection etc.), which are the excuses that ‘Ofcon’ chose to ‘justify’ their broadcast censorship.

“I don't think that the UK Producers do support this - it will send them back to the days of pre-2000.”

No, there will be an exemption for material classified by the BBFC, hence the reason I said:-

“after all, the only way of being sure that material you possess doesn’t fall foul of these ridiculous proposals is to stick to their quite often censored, and invariably expensive, R18 product”

Think about it, people who, at the moment, and quite rightly IMO, source uncensored originals, rather than R18, are likely to be frightened into turning to R18, a sometimes inferior & invariably more expensive product, because of the threat of incarceration – As I said, very effective protectionism, resulting in even less competition for UK adult industry than already exists – Do you really think that, as demonstrated by their self serving support of broadcast censorship, they would not embrace this golden opportunity?

As for further censorship, some HC at R18 in 2000 was brought about by a legal decision by the High Court in England, consequently, it is unlikely that Government would (could?) turn the clock back. The BBFC have said as much in the past, though I don’t particularly trust what they say.

Of course, this is my reading of the situation, if AITA, or anyone else in the industry, wished to disabuse me of my suspicions, by stating publicly that they oppose the proposals, and clarify what they have done/are doing to stop their introduction, I would be happy to read about it.
Horned Ant
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Horned Ant »

This is an interesting one. Has anyone seen 'Destricted'? Can't help but feel seeing this in Blockbuster must indicate a significant shift toward more freedom being on the cards. If the government are planning more freedom here in the UK it would follow that they also want to put in place checks and balances. Online sales of R18 DVDs within 18 months?

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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jock »

Dream on, I’m afraid - 'Destricted' is just the latest example of material in which the BBFC make a distinction about 'sex works' and 'non-sex works' –Basically, if it is meant to be sexually stimulating, then it’s bad, and classed as a sex work, which means an R18, unless it’s so bad that they ban it completely. If it is not meant to be sexually stimulating, a serious ‘art’ movie, then it’s OK, and gets an 18.

As for Government planning more freedom, where have you been for the last few years? New Labour and freedom are mutually exclusive, something they have been keen to prove at every opportunity !sad!
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

Jock wrote:

> As for Government planning more freedom, where have you been
> for the last few years? New Labour and freedom are mutually
> exclusive, something they have been keen to prove at every
> opportunity !sad!

New steps to extend police powers to punish porn users;

Research is used to 'prop up' policies and inconvenient evidence is often buried;
quis custodiet ipsos custodes
andy ide
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by andy ide »

Many thanks for the link to the Index Online piece, Jacques. Very good indeed.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jock »

As far as I am aware, it's not as simple as that.

Check out the following for detailed, legal opinion on the matter:-

Again, as far as I can see, the reason that the authorities get away with abusing people’s rights is that they do not have to prove, 'up front', that their proposals, legislation etc. comply with the ECHR – In their so-called ‘consultation’, the Westminster Government claimed that they ‘believe’ their proposals are compatible.

Ultimately, It seems to be up to others to challenge them legally.
Horned Ant
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Horned Ant »

I take your point, but the BBFC must realise that a lot of people will be buying/renting 'Destricted' for a glimpse of something sexually stimulating. I appreciate what you mean about the government though - maybe the BBFC are trying to be subversive. I have read that they have been known to be politically challenging at times.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

Wonder if you'll sign now that John Beyer brings us this

The Government listens to Mediawatch-uk, and there goes all of your porn..........
quis custodiet ipsos custodes