Violent Porn Petition

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Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

The British Government is planning to criminalise material showing sexual practices that it doesn't approve of, even if they're between consenting adults

If you and your partner look at something the Government doesn't like, you could go to prison for three years.

This proposed law would create a Thought Crime making it illegal to possess "sexual images" that, in the subjective opinion of members of the Home Office, show activities "liable to cause serious injury or death" even if the participants were consenting adult actors.

Sign here

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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by tomas23 »

Will be very interested to know exactly what it "doesn't approve of"
The Beebs I Claudius maybe? re-runs still being shown on.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

What ever the State decides and NO Obscene Publication Defence either.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes
Arnold Layne
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Arnold Layne »

It should be the other way round, like what we don't approve of them getting up to, crusing commons, cottaging, stuffing apples in their mouths and gaffer taping them up, all far more dangerous than a cock up the arse on film, R18 porn get's cut to a degree anyway, what more to these cunts want? it's just to look busy, it dosen't threaten any of our viewing. as we all got hold of porn long before R18 days, and still will, any porn that looks to be unconcentsual is surely a bad thing?, like max hardcore, it's uncomforatble to watch, he states some shit that none of the performers in his movies are portraying minors or something, which is total bollocks, sure there all over 18, but there made to look young as hell, and the euro cuts are just plain fucking horrible, worse than whats available in the US if that's possible, Any kind of porn simulated rape and all that, all this stuff can easily be picked up on torrent sites anyway, that's what they need to monitor.

"This one's for my man "T"...
& it's called Wish you were here"
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by steve56 »

they are all hypocryites arnold.Arnold Layne wrote:

> It should be the other way round, like what we don't approve of
> them getting up to, crusing commons, cottaging, stuffing apples
> in their mouths and gaffer taping them up, all far more
> dangerous than a cock up the arse on film, R18 porn get's cut
> to a degree anyway, what more to these cunts want? it's just to
> look busy, it dosen't threaten any of our viewing. as we all
> got hold of porn long before R18 days, and still will, any porn
> that looks to be unconcentsual is surely a bad thing?, like max
> hardcore, it's uncomforatble to watch, he states some shit that
> none of the performers in his movies are portraying minors or
> something, which is total bollocks, sure there all over 18, but
> there made to look young as hell, and the euro cuts are just
> plain fucking horrible, worse than whats available in the US if
> that's possible, Any kind of porn simulated rape and all that,
> all this stuff can easily be picked up on torrent sites anyway,
> that's what they need to monitor.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by harmonyluvver »

I wonder if they will ban all horror films and I think surely a lot of classic war films which show torture scenes must come under the ruling. What about fulms like "The Accused" there is simulated rape in that will it be illegal to own a copy of that ? Why cant they get it through their heads banning it doesnt stop people wanting to see it. Fair enough any non consensual abuse or acts involving people who are incapable of giving their consent for whatever reason should be banned. Unfortunately society is being shaped as if we are all brain dead children that need wrapping in cotton wool and telling what to do. The majority of society though are quite happy to sit back and watch the world descend into the shit happy in the knowledge that they will probably be dead when it happens. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY !!!!! earlier this year there was a report on our local news where a girl had fallen into a bath of hot water and her mum had decided it was the fault of the people who fitted her heating and that all houses should have a device fitted that controlled the water temperature going into the bath. I think that says so much about our society.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

Casino Royale - James Bond tied naked to a chair and his meat and two veg are subject to sexual torture. You get 3 years in prison even though the actors were consenting and James Bond character was giving the impression he was enjoying it.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by planeterotica »

This goverment were so immature when they first came to power straight out of university they have no idea what makes this country tick, Gordon Brown straight away sold off our gold reserves when the gold price was at an all time recent low when now its at an all time high, Blair takes us into war with Iraq because of weapons of destruction that never exited, and now Blair is about to be interviewed over the loans for honours scandal, they will bring about any bill that they think would make them look intelligent.

andy at handiwork
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by andy at handiwork »

Anybody who has seen my recent postings will be in no doubt as to where I stand regarding this ridiculous legislation. However I am a little wary of signing a petition on a Downing Street web site with my email and home address. It should be remembered that during the consultation period the Home Office would not give an assurance that sbmissions by people opposed to the governments wishes would not leave themselves open to investigation by the police subsequently. What guarantee is there that those signing this petition will not also get a knock on the door soon? I would not put anything past them.
The Grand Wazoo
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by The Grand Wazoo »

A government that bans things is a desperate government that needs to know its in power. The first thing paranoia does to you is make you lash out. Hence the bans on what it judges is out of their control such as sex. Immature for a governing body. It automatically will find a link with any serious crime under the dillusion its controlling it. Easy option to bury it from sight and think problem solved.