Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

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Officer Dibble
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Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

Post by Officer Dibble »

After three Asian men were found guilty of the brutal racist murder of schoolboy Kriss Donald, one must ask the question ? In ten years time will earnest middleclass tosser, John Snow, still be talking about Kriss on Channel 4 News? Will he run Kriss Donald news articles every month or so to keep Kris?s memory alive? I ask the question because even today, years after the event, he still talks about the ?Stephen Lawrence? murder (or the Anthony Walker case).

I don?t think he will, because Kris was white and his murders were Asian ?ethnic minorities?. Middleclass handwringers like John have such a skewed view of reality - basically, white man bad, black man victim - and have invested so much of themselves and their lives in that wanky view that they cannot countenance anything that may undermine it. Imagine having to confront the fact that you have been deluding yourself and talking bollocks for the past umpteen years. Not a palatable thought for anyone to contemplate.

Kris?s case was not even reported by the National media when it happened. We have only gotten to hear about it now the case has come to it?s conclusion. This was an innocent 15 year old schoolboy who was kidnapped off the streets, bundled into a car, driven 200 miles, then beaten, stabbed 13 times, and set alight with petrol - for no other reason than someone in his area had insulted or thumped a member of the Asian gang at a nightclub. Don?t you think that?s pretty shocking? Worth a mention on the news, maybe? Then why did the middleclass fuckers who make the editorial decisions on newspapers and TV not report it? ? Yet when Anthony Walker was attacked the fuckers were jumping up and own all over the place and acting as if it was a story of 9/11 proportions! What?s wrong with this friggin? picture, hey?

Officer Dibble

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Re: Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

Post by Pervert »

It's been big news up here since it happened, and covered comprehensively all through the trial. We are used to our big news stories being unworthy of national exposure. It was important enough that the Beeb sent a reporter to Pakistan to make sure the authorities there were going to pick up and extradite the main suspects.

And in answer to your question, many people will mourn. This was a race killing, more brutal than the Lawrence or Walker cases. Someone chosen to be terrorised, beaten, stabbed and then set alight just because he was white and a teenager and in the wrong place.

The bastards responsible will spend over 20 years in jail, which isn't nearly enough for what they have been found guilty of doing. Race crime is wrong, irrespective of whether it's white on black or black on white.
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Sam Slater
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Re: Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

Post by Sam Slater »

I guess the Stephen Lawrence case is a little different because his murderers have never been convicted/caught, but I know what you mean. I'm just glad they treated the case as a 'racist attack' instead of just an 'attack' because some people are finally admitting that racism works both ways.

Here's something to ponder along the lines of equality...

On the odd occasion I follow Sheffield Wednesday to away matches, fans are constantly herded by police with horses & dogs. When police say 'Stay here' we stay or are arrested. When police say 'go home', we go home, or are arrested. I'm not talking hooligans here, just fans. It's more for safety and prevention measures which seems fair.

For 3 nights running -since the 5th- around 400 Asian & Somali youths have set fire to cars blocking a main road nearby. Police just stand and watch whilst diverting traffic. When asked why no arrests have been made, the officers on the scene tell the locals residents that they cannot identify the youths that have started the fires.

Why aren't officers dispersing these youths and threatening arrests for loitering, like they do with football fans who disobey orders? Where are the dogs & horses for crowd control?

Is it a case that 80-90% of football fans are white? Are police letting Asian youths off the hook so as not to cause tension within the community? Is it a case of just letting the Asians youths 'get on with it' for a quiet life?

A middle aged couple had to spend one night at their daughters because they were denied access to their home by the police because the area around their house was blocked off for safety reasons. When the guy demanded he should go home the policemen told him to move on, or he'd spend the night in the cells! All the while there were 400 Asian youths outside the guys home jumping up and down, laughing at the police next to a burning car.........................quite freely at 2am on a Sunday morning!

Yes...........the couple threatened with arrest were white.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Post by Ned »

except the extremists. Nobody bothers about Ross Parker or any other white victim.

BBC news yesterday talked about race crime stats, which show whites are the victim of far more race crime than the black population, so they had to qualify the stat by saying that there are more whites than blacks in the population, so the proportion is lower. Which may be true, but they didn't use the same qualifier when talking about Asians who are attacked by non white racists and blacks who get attacked by other non whites.
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Re: Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

Post by tomas23 »

The news night reporter Paul Mason did research to ascertain the percentage of oxbridge people at newnight, Ive ben trying to find the link
at the beeb but no luck anyway as you might expect its high but has come down in recent years apparently.

A friend of mine (teacher) has recently gone throgh hell being bullied by
a head teacher, this person has got away with it for over 5 years,
two deputies and most of the staff have complained about their behaviour
to unions and the LEA but guess what nothing has been done - why?
well they are not white or male.
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Re: Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

Post by Flat_Eric »

Sam Slater wrote:


I think that most probably is the case, Sam. Yes. Because you can be sure that if the Old Bill was to wade in there and sort 'em out, the whining fuckers wouldn't waste any time playing the race card. "Community leaders" would then be out in front of the TV cameras, spouting the usual stuff about "victimisation" and "police heavy-handedness" amid much indignant arm-waving. And people like Rita Chakrabahti of Liberty would be appearing all grim-faced in television interviews demanding an "urgent inquiry into police conduct".

Sadly, the British government long ago rolled over onto its metaphorical back and surrendered lamely to the "ethnic minorities" (and their supporting army of bleeding-heart, do-gooder sympathisers who make up the "equality" and "human rights" movements) in what must rank as the most crass act of appeasement since Neville Chaimberlain stepped off the plane from Munich in 1938 proclaiming "peace in our time".

I never thought I'd say this (and I'll probably get pilloried for admitting it), but reading about the Nick Griffin (BNP leader) retrial on charges of inciting racial hatred, a lot of what Griffin said - at least in the context of Islam being an aggressive creed relentlessly on the march - actually makes sense. Even an Asian C of E archbishop said much the same thing (only in a more roundabout way) just last week, namely that Muslims like to play the "victim" card when it suits them, but at the same time conveniently overlook the fact that all over the world (not to mention Britain), Muslims are themselves guilty of terrible crimes against people who they see as "non-believers".

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Re: Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

Post by tomas23 »

For me its a question of balance, fairness and being objective. There is no way Im going to support the BNP nor will I agree with politcal correctness which seems to have brain washed the middle "university" class's.
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Re: Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

Post by Deano! »

You make some perfectly sensible and logical arguments, but I didn't hear any of them as I was too busy screaming into my megaphone " Racist Racist Racist ". It's the trendy Left's method of debate.

Now I'm reporting you all to the Thought Correction Authority.
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Re: Who Will Mourn Kriss Donald?

Post by tomas23 »

"Racist Racist Racist ". and thats exactly why the LEA will not do a damn thing about it and people suffer, lives and careers ruined !