Computer games movies

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Computer games movies

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Hi peeps,

Now i can't think of all that many computer games to make a successful transfer to the silver screen (remember the DREADFUL Mario movie)

With that in mind, what is your favourite crossover game/movie??


If you could see a game re-made, what would it be????

Now an obvious one would be Grand Theft Auto... but my vote goes to..........

Tetris !laugh!



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one eyed jack
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Re: Computer games movies

Post by one eyed jack »

Crank was the closest to Grand Theft least that came to my mind if you see what goes on in the movie. Just crazy...even the sex in public in front of a huge crowd of men women and children was nuts!!!
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Re: Computer games movies

Post by one eyed jack »

Sorely disappointed in Doom as well. Had the potential to be a good action horror movie and the producers blew the opportunity to do something ok with it.

Paul Verhoeven shouldve directed it but I get the feeling the ol dutch nutter couldnt find anything interesting in the premise of it but one can still wonder.

StarShip Troopers could ve easily been Red Alert
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Re: Computer games movies

Post by mrchapel »

Doom could have been decent but they pussied out with the "its a bio weapon " shit.

Tomb Raider wasn`t bad but the sequel was the almost the same damn script and just shite.

Wing Commander the only game that had a better cast and sets than the movie.

Spy hunter might be not bad but so far the best and closest to the original has to be silent hill

Bukkake shots where you are with a few other fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde
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Re: Computer games movies

Post by LaraLee »

The Halo movie might be ok, apparently Peter Jackson is the producer for the film so hopes are high for it.

Is Silent Hill any good?

Mike on Lara's sign in!/lara_leexxx
random hero
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Re: Computer games movies

Post by random hero »

films based on games usually stink like a fish on a radiator,and it also works the other way round as well,movies that are made from games....i mean to back ten years and there were to many to mention

however theres one movie id love to see done and thats JET SET,d be a could be like a trippy/drink related flick...done in the style of trainspotting/or that hunter s thompson movie johnny depp did..and not many people completed it so the movie could be left on the ultimate cliffhanger.....just an idea!!!
random hero
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Re: Computer games movies

Post by random hero »

i meant games that were from movies......dont worry the whole topic excited me lol
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Re: Computer games movies

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hahaha! Jetset Willy was a legend !laugh!

Why stop there, why not make Dizzy into a movie...

"The egg is back... and this time it's personal" (to be said in american movie trailer type voice!!!)

or Outrun....

"with his fast car and his blonde girl by his side, there's no stopping him...even flipping onto his roof"

Manic Miner....

"he's a bad ass miner with an attitude....."

or Horace Goes Skiing.....

"This is Horrace, he's going skiing..."

Ok maybe not... I'll get me coat!!



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Re: Computer games movies

Post by hattertim »

Movies from games? No matter how many of the movie adaptations suck, they still keep making 'em! Witness DOA:Dead Or Alive & Silent Hill recently...although maybe these will buck the trend and be OK...

I do have to admit to liking the two Resident Evil movies, but that's just me liking zombie movies generally I matter how rubbish they are!

Haven't seen Doom yet...but I'm thinking that the best bit about it is probably going to be the trailer!

Street Fighter? Well, it's got Kylie in maybe worth 1 out of 10 for that!

Mortal Kombat? Needed more violence like the game! And don't get me started on the TV series...that ended up like the Robocop TV series awhile ago in pissing all over the memory of the source material...

Super Mario Brothers? Oh dear...and to think Bob Hoskins made one of the best British moves ever in the Long Good Friday...he must have needed the money!

Tomb Raider? Well, it does have a gratuitous shower scene in the first five minutes of the first not all bad! Both plots could have been so much better though...

As for future ideas...apparently an adaptation of Castlevania is in the offing...but how about an adaptation of that old classic from the 80's Raid Over Moscow?
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here's a link... just for you mate!!!

hey a record on !drink!