Would you vote BNP or SWP?

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Re: Would you vote BNP or SWP?

Post by strictlybroadband »

colonel wrote:

> Personally, I'd carpet bomb both of them. Indescribably evil in
> every shapoe and form.
> Add Respect, Veritas and UKIP to that. In fact, UKIP is the
> most evil of the lot.
> I'd only vote for Labour, Liberal and Green...although I have a
> soft spot for Boris Johnson and a few Tories.

I'm with you most of the way, but don't understand your hostility to the SWP. The ones I've encountered are 19-year old student squatters with big ideals.

I agree with them on some things (they're not so far from the Greens on a lot of issues), but from what I remember they used to support the IRA, which I didn't agree with at all.

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Cornish Chris
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Re: Would you vote BNP or SWP?

Post by Cornish Chris »

To be honest they all suck anybody that wants to govern is usually only doing it to either pump up their already over inflated egos or to feather their nests.
I don't vote as nobody or no party excites me enough to be arsed...yup I guess thats shallow but hey I always then am able to say "well I didn't vote for the fuckers"
Saying that if it looked like BMP was gonna make a seat, I would vote for the nearest opposition cos if they ever got in power I'd wanna leave the country pretty damn quickly

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Re: Would you vote BNP or SWP?

Post by colonel »

strictlybroadband wrote:

> I'm with you most of the way, but don't understand your
> hostility to the SWP. The ones I've encountered are 19-year old
> student squatters with big ideals.
> I agree with them on some things (they're not so far from the
> Greens on a lot of issues), but from what I remember they used
> to support the IRA, which I didn't agree with at all.

They used to ruin student union affairs and meetings. Total machine politics- people with good ideas used to just walk away.
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Re: Would you vote BNP or SWP?

Post by Robches »

>Add Respect, Veritas and UKIP to that. In fact, UKIP is the most evil of the lot.

Apart from wanting to leave the EU, what have UKIP done to tick you off?

What's evil about not wanting to be ruled by the gnomes of Brussels?

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Re: Would you vote BNP or SWP?

Post by colonel »

Robches wrote:

> >Add Respect, Veritas and UKIP to that. In fact, UKIP is the
> most evil of the lot.
> Apart from wanting to leave the EU, what have UKIP done to tick
> you off?
> What's evil about not wanting to be ruled by the gnomes of
> Brussels?
How long have you got? For a start, it is the EU that allows R18 films to be sold -albeit in sex shops- that are truly hardcore. Whitehall would still be banging you up for it.

Then there is regeneration cash...free movement of capital and thus of labour....working time limits...statutory holidays....health and safety law.

Brussels has been and will be a good friend to people in the UK. The Establishment means that we are brought up to think that we still have an Empire and to vote against what they have done.

UKIP have changed their views on devolution twice that I am aware of- because they are stone dead in Wales and Scotland. Did you know that? Did you know their policy used to be to abolish them both without a referendum?
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Re: Would you vote BNP or SWP?

Post by strictlybroadband »

Then there's the fact that human rights are enshrined in law for the first time in our history.

Then there are anti-pollution laws from the EU that have made our air, water and beaches cleaner after getting filthier for decades.

And since we joined the EU, the weather's been getting warmer.

The only thing worse than being ruled from Brussels would be being ruled from Westminster. If we lived in a modern, enlightened country I'd trust our politicians, but being that this is Britain, I'd rather be European ta.

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Re: Would you vote BNP or SWP?

Post by eroticartist »

"Left-wing and right-wing" are very misleading political polarities.There are left-wing and right wing MPs in both parties. The true polarities are authoritarian and libertarian. Her Majesty's government are authoritarian and so is the opposition.

For example historically both Hitler and Stalin were authoritarians, the former right-wing the latter left, both wore jackboots, were militaristic and controlled society in a totalitarian way.

What we need now in this country and at this point in history is a libertarian government - a libertarian alliance. Libertarians of the world unite.

Mike Freeman.
