Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

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Bob Singleton
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Bob Singleton »

Keith Rasputin wrote:

> I do suggest that you read 'The Road to Wigan Pier' before
> waxing too lyrical about the 1930s. Life expectancy was a lot
> lower than today and infant mortality was a lot higher and
> there was a lot of unemployment and inequity.

I wasn't waxing lyrical about the 30s at all ("Let's face it, "poor" people in the 30s and 40s were far poorer than the so-called "under-class" of today, but they were on the whole better behaved and more industrious." was what I said) and I've read everything Orwell has written many times over, so am under no illusions. Should I ever think the 30s were better than now, I need only ask my father who grew up in the late 20s early 30s.

What I was saying was that the BEHAVIOUR of the current generation of youngsters is considerably worse than that of those in 30s (who had a far harder life), and that maybe it's down to all the crap they eat and drink!

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by planeterotica »

He is a Twat, Bring back Billy Bunter he could show these kids of today a thing or two about eating, come on Bunter!love!

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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by steve56 »

a neighbour of mine says hes all bluff.Dorrin wrote:

> So according to Sir Jamie (only a matter of time) parents who
> give their kids crisps etc are Tossers and schools should teach
> everyone how to cook.
> Thanks to his ground breaking TV show, tuck shops in schools
> are to be banned (unless they just sell diced carrot) and
> anything that kids enjoy is to be taken off the menu.
> With school leavers (whatever the GCSE results say) still
> leaving school unable to read or write, truancy at an all time
> high, more kids with knives instead of pencils in their
> bags(bit of an overstatement) and bullying rife, methinks there
> are more things to worry about at schools than what they eat.
> Am I alone in thinking that, that jumped up, overpaid twat with
> his irritating speech impediment should stick to Ready Steady
> Cook and stop telling other people how to run their lives.
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Flat_Eric »

Annoying, overpaid twat.
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by crofter »

I think you will find that the behaviour of these loutish kids is caused by their loutish parents and not by how many additives and vitamins they are putting down their throats Bill ... it's called evolution.
I can only speak for myself when I say that you usually got a choice of what you could have at dinner time so if you fancied a bit of "pucker" non junk food you could, now seems to me that most kids go to the local chippie or supermarket for their school lunch so making these sweeping changes amounts to no more than a pr exercise on behalf of the government imho.
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Lizard »

He,s hardly what you would call thin himself, I personally get sick of seeing his gurning smug face everytime I am in Sainsbury,s, now Nigella Lawson thats a different matter great tits, beautiful face and she looks as though she loves a pie or two, what a babe.........imagine her staring at you accross the breakfast table as your having a good fry up.....mmmmmm

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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Ace »

I have a story about Jamie Oliver.........lets just say hes a cunt and an average cook !wink!

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by crofter »

Is it just me??
Everytime I think of Nigella Lawson sinking her well polished teeth into my also well polished knob I start having withdrawal symptoms over seeing her old man appearing unflustered and unashamed and brandishing an old leather briefcase in his hand and poncing down the street to tell the working class what shite they have next .... please, please tell me this aint so??

note for lizard ... stick to two conundrums three syllables and five vowels for your next stalkers course ... and I will inform Des Lynham to watch his countdown conumdrum!!
PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?