Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

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Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Dorrin »

So according to Sir Jamie (only a matter of time) parents who give their kids crisps etc are Tossers and schools should teach everyone how to cook.
Thanks to his ground breaking TV show, tuck shops in schools are to be banned (unless they just sell diced carrot) and anything that kids enjoy is to be taken off the menu.
With school leavers (whatever the GCSE results say) still leaving school unable to read or write, truancy at an all time high, more kids with knives instead of pencils in their bags(bit of an overstatement) and bullying rife, methinks there are more things to worry about at schools than what they eat.
Am I alone in thinking that, that jumped up, overpaid twat with his irritating speech impediment should stick to Ready Steady Cook and stop telling other people how to run their lives.
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by dynatech »

You are not alone!
They're locking them up today, they're throwing away the key...I wonder who it be tomorrow, you or me?
Steve R
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Steve R »


Bob Singleton
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Bob Singleton »

Those children with a poor diet tend to suffer from attention disorders, volatile behaviour, etc., far more than those who have a good diet.

Maybe the chav culture *is* down to diet! Let's face it, "poor" people in the 30s and 40s were far poorer than the so-called "under-class" of today, but they were on the whole better behaved and more industrious.

Why? Maybe all the additives in "convenience" food of today is the answer. Let them eat trip and onions, scrag end of mutton and pigs trotters instead of Pringles, McDonalds and Sunny-D

Go to any holiday destination and see who exports the largest number of louts? The Brits with their poor diet, or the Italians, Spanish, French, etc with their better diets?

Maybe, just maybe, Jamie has a point!

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
The Last Word
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by The Last Word »

Tuck shops? Eee...it were all Coke and Cadbury vending machines in my day.

Actually, he has the right idea. Most school dinners aren't fit for a dog, but the egoistic, hectoring manner in which he carries on is admittedly pretty rotten.

Not sure about celebrities influencing Government decisions in this sort of way either.

"Let's do it..."
Bob Singleton
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Bob Singleton »

Bob Singleton wrote:

....Let them eat trip and onions...

Sorry for the typo... it should of course read TRIPE and onions!!

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by Bubo »

Especially when the government aren't willing to put the money into hiring proper chefs to cook up something that's both healthy and nice to eat. Oliver might have the right idea, but all the kids are getting now is soggy cabbage and oily fish! Are the cooks clueless, or what?! And are the kids going to eat it? Would I eat that shit? Not a chance in hell!!!
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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Post by rudeboy69 »

twat, next question!