Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Mysteryman »

Thanks Andy, you saved me the trouble of a lot of typing. People are only too happy to believe and spread garbage.

It is a reflection of just how little trust governments engender (through their own disinformation programmes and over zealous secrecy) that the most off the wall conspiracy theories are taken up, spread and believed by the gullible - and sometimes governments keep the circle spinning for their own ends, by adding to the theories.

It takes a great deal of reading, historical knowledge and common sense evalution to begin to even try to find the odd scintilla of truth in some of the conspiracy theories. In others it is blatantly obvious where truth ends and la la land begins.
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Flat_Eric »

Bubo wrote:


I won't even begin to explain why that's a totally ludicrous and 1000% implausible theory - because if you can't work out for yourself why, then there clearly is no hope!!

A statement like that shows the utter desperation of the conspiracy theorists when it comes to arguing their case, made up as it is of nothing more than pseudo-science, boundless imagination and stubborn denial of all the in-your-face evidence.

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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by NandoRick »

Dude you seem to know alot about the offical story of 9/11.Can i ask you a simple question ?

Why where none of the 19 hijackers named on any of the passenger lists.Also after the post mortems were carried out none of the 19 hijackers were found or listed, yet the FBI had the names of all 19, how is this possible ?

Did you know that at least 8 of the original hijackers have been found safe and well and working in saudi (found by our very own bbc)

andy at handiwork
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by andy at handiwork »

Thanks for that. It has to be said that our own governments over the past 100 years have been their own worst enemy when it comes to releasing info that would scotch silly rumours pdq. An obsession with secrecy for its own sake is stupid and holds up proper examination of decisions taken in our name. Very often when files are finally released after 50 years all one can say is, 'Is that all it was?' They are usually pretty innocuous. In the absence of proper info, its allowed conspiracy nuts to make many a convoluted claim that is now easily shown to be wrong, such as Churchill knowing about Pearl H, UFOs, JFK killed by the military-oil-industrial complex to facilitate US involvement in Vietnam, nobody went to the moon, MI5/6 killed Diana, Area 51 housing said UFOs, Twin Towers inside job etc etc

There are conspiracies around, such as the US government's lamentable response to Katrina was partly intentional to allow the expansion of the privatisation of disaster relief, it was always the Neo-cons intention to invade Iraq whatever the circumstances, the criminalistaion of the poor in the US along with the attacks on poorer women implied by the new laws there on damage to unborn fetuses, that will allow the hauling into court of pregnant women just for a single drink or cigarette, the circumventing of the constitution there by the Bush admin, our own government chipping away at civil liberties, and massivly centralising power without recourse to Parliament through enabling acts.
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Mysteryman »

Who says they weren't on the passenger lists. If you believe that you have a lamentable lack of knowledge about airline passenger reconciliation procedures.

You also know very little about what happens to the human body when it hits an object at around 600 miles an hour and is then incinerated at around 5 times the temperature of a crematorium. If you have ever seen human remains after an "ordinary" commercial airline crash at cruising speed followed by a fuel fire in open air (far less intense than one in a confined space) you would not be talking about post mortems, rather DNA evidence and, just maybe, dental records were it possible to find ANYTHING recognisable as human and as having been in the cockpits.

As for your assertion that 8 of the hijackers are safe and well in Saudi, you need to realise that, if you are to ask others to believe you, you need unimpeachable sources. Quoting the BBC without reference to the programme, the reporter and the names and a source for photographic evidence of their survival, with provable dates AFTER 9/11, and asking for others to share your belief is just asking to be looked upon as a crank.
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Bubo »

Like I said, I'm not one of the conspiracy lot. But that could be a possibility, no matter how far fetched it might seem.
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by Mysteryman »

About as plausible of your 767-like USAF surveillance aircraft and your aircraft with "blisters".

Why not concentrate on the real mysteries? The links between the CIA, Osama Bin Laden, the Bush family and how attention was turned from these so quickly to focussing on an extremely tenuous link to Saddam.

Why not try to fathom how a gullible public in the US and UK was led by the nose into two militarily pointless wars and how the same two countries managed to re-elect the governments which had already squandered lives and resources for further periods of buccaneering in areas where they have no business.

Concentrate on the mystery of "bringing democracy to the Middle East" and look at the major allies of the US and UK in the area and try to find the democracies (Israel apart).

Governments love conspiracy theorists. They divert attention from the real issues without the cost of expensive cover up campaigns.
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by NandoRick »

Nice answer buddy. you seem to be well clued up on this subject.

So your saying that plane "incinerated at around 5 times the temperature of a crematorium"

wow thats hot ,I thought the human body and its DNA disintergrated at 150 degrees ? Yet 180 people were identified at the pentagon , hows that possible ?

your right dude i should have posted a link

Also find other links here

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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by mrmcfister »

Well I know Princess Diana is dead.It's just a ploy to get more people to buy the Daily Express.Besides I,ve just seen her buying some oven chips in Tesco.
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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Post by mrmcfister »

er I mean not dead.....blimblimblibbl blimm..blimmm,