I thought you might be interested in some 'inside' information from someone who's been performing in porn for 4 or 5 years. This isn't in reply to any single posting but to a number where general questions have been asked.
I am a hard-core porn actress because I enjoy sex and being in the limelight. I am not exploited any more than anyone in any other industry. I'm paid to do a job. I accept the rate and if someone makes a big profit out of my performances then so be it. It's no different to being a BT engineer or car worker as far as 'exploitation of the workers' is concerned.
The going rate in this country for a typical hard-core scene is about ?250-?300 depending upon what you do. The guys get about half that. The rates in the US and in Europe are generally higher by about 50%. Most of the people in the industry are nice people who'd you'd be happy to have a drink with and I've made some very good friends. Like in any walk of life there are those who are not so nice but you soon learn to steer clear of them.
The hard-core porn industry in Britain is still in it's infancy and could do with a bit more professionalism from 'management' but I suppose that is natural for a fledgling industry. It is often driven by the need for 'fresh meat' (that maybe why many girls only do a few videos) but producers run a risk here because the girls are often very amateurish and don't perform well. The studs have a very difficult job (honest!...you try keeping hard in front of a six person crew and cumming right on cue) and most of them are genuinely nice people. There are some who are misogynistic b*stards with inflated egos the size of a minor planet. I feel quite sorry for them sometimes though because all they often are is a life support system for a cock even if they are giving me the shagging of my life.
I suppose that's enough of my boring ramblings but here's some other little snippets of info.
Many sex shops only pay the wholesalers or producers a couple of quid for hard-core magazines and then sell them to you for ?20-?30. The same is true of videos. Worth remembering next time you stump up your hard earned cash!
Many of the models (me included) at the TVX show a couple of years ago didn't get paid a penny. Some mix up with (I'll have to be careful here!) 'contracts'.
All hard-core actors/actresses are regularly tested for HIV. The first thing we do on set is check everyone's certificates.
Most producers don't allow alcohol (or drugs!) on set.
Not all porn actresses are escorts. There is a world of difference in my mind between porn and prostitution and I often get a bit fed up with people who think that I'll shag anyone and all they need do is ask (flattering though it may be).
Some girls are quite willing to do dp or gang bangs but not mild w/s. Very strange!
IV may be a woman! Come to think of it I could be IV............not likely though!
Actresses very often go to the States to make more money not to seek fame. They can do 5-6 hard-core scenes in a week! Mind you I'll bet they're very sore!
The girls that only do soft-core look down on those that do hard-core. I just think if you're gonna do porn do it, don't pretend!!!
Some producers will promise actresses a series, contracts etc. I never forget the pinch of salt though

If you want to know more just ask me. So long as it's not libellous I'll try and answer any questions. Alternatively, visit my site where there's my diary detailing most of the porn shoots I've been on. (www.wendyswonderland.com)