An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Post by Jacques »

I agree with diplodocus and PC and you have every right to be angry.

Good luck and don't give up.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Post by Cerberus »

Cheers guys, I'm very mellow today courtesy of Mr Bong. I've been an MS soc member since 91, they're v helpful but the C word iis always skirted lol.
I have lots of fellow sufferers locally & we always use bud, from a known source, we see it from plant to dried! Never use resin..........ever it can be anything! I use only to control my pain. Don't like to get high. As for side effects.........the munchies & that's it.
Right I'm off to watch my new DVD's of the excellent Bleasdalesl......GBH.
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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Post by randyandy »

Correct Hell Kitten and welcome to the site.

Please read my posts again and find out why I am against it.

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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Post by randyandy »

Keith Rasputin wrote:

> Ok, aside from one person who couldn't handle cannabis and
> decided to self-mutilate themselves what are the problems
> caused by cannabis?

Sadly it wasn't just one person but the self-mutilation was probably the most disturbing thing I saw in Amsterdam.

Other things were a few accidents caused while under the influence.

The biggest problem I've seen is that caused to people who don't even think it's is causing them harm.

I could give loads of examples but the harshest was my mate who lost his job because of the side effects loss of mental capacity, slower reactions and general poor coordination, lethargic attitude etc.

This in turn caused his marriage to fail, after he lost his job he lost his house and the failed marriage lost him his kids.

I kept telling him the drug was doing him harm but he wouldn't recognise it.

I've also seen others have problems which were just brought about by the mood swings the drug can cause.

My biggest fear is the criminal element that supply this drug will simply move on to another if it is legalised. At present there are some who only supply because the punishment isn?t that harsh.

They are criminals who won't simply start opening coffee shops for a new career they will continue to be criminals only pushing something a lot stronger.

> It is Friday night and how many people will be injured and
> killed in the UK as a result of imbibing alcohol? How many
> people sitting at home having a quiet smoke will need to
> consult the police and the NHS this evening as a result of
> doing that. People under the influence of alcohol in a public
> place make me very very cautious.
Most drug users often resort to the problems of drink as an excuse for their drug use and it is a valid point. However some of the people having a quiet smoke will be causing themselves problems (as referred to above) which they won't even know about.

While the problems may well not affect policing and the NHS on Friday night for some there will be a need for this service at some stage.

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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Post by Cerberus »

As with most subjects along these lines you don't mention the key word.....EXCESS.....I smoke maybe 2-3 times a week. Certainly no more than twice a day, 1 am/1 pm. So I temper my use using common sense to maintain an acceptable pain level.
Any more than this would render me.... "loss of mental capacity, slower reactions and general poor coordination, lethargic attitude etc."
I can't drive anymore so DUI is a non issue. I may be doing myself harm, but hey it's my life, my choice.
It's about self control & responsibility a trait sadly lacking in most of the binge drinking, violent louts walking the streets of today. Or maybe we should ban everything harmful & rebrand the UK as cloud cuckoo land!
Don't find the substance of abuse as the problem, be it drugs/alcohol/tabacco/cars/knives the abusers of the substance are real problem.
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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Post by strictlybroadband »

Ha ha ha...

A very well-written spoof about the cannabis "menace". Not quite as funny as the original, Reefer Madness, but entertaining nonetheless.


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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Post by strictlybroadband »

As you probably know Keith, Holland has lower drug problems than the UK, and use of hard drugs is falling there, while rising in countries that try to "control" the problem, like UK, France and the US.

Portugal has now legalised all drugs. Maxico almost did recently too, but a knock on the door from their big, aggressive neightbour seems to have changed their minds.

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Re: An Angry Rant .....sorry guys n gals

Post by eroticartist »

Every herb on this planet is your birthright. Use it to relieve your pain and don't be afraid of the consequences. If it is for your own use the penalty for posession is confiscation.
Good luck,
Mike Freeman.