The X Factor

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Re: The X Factor

Post by Lizard »

I disagree Jaques, Simon Cowell is a cunt! no mistake, but wasting a good bust of Horatio would be a crime, he should be tied up and made to eat his own arm live on television, then we all take bets on how long he takes to pop off, or am I being a tad harsh on the greasy forheaded monkeygland beaver sniffer....

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one eyed jack
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Re: The X Factor

Post by one eyed jack »

Damn! Such anger! Such rage! Yeah X Factor is a terrible show in my opinion but it certainly reflects what the masses who have nothing better to do on a Saturday night by staying in being entertained by amateur caterwauling glorified by tv....But then arent these the same types that like Coronation Street and East Enders?

In other words, this is out there already in pubs but to make a tv programme about it and become super stinking rich???

Simon Cowell I salute you...Youve figured the people out and gave them it on a plate to eat and by god are they getting fat on it.

Big Brother is the same...Its like the tv is an aquarium of people for you to watch.

Personally I derive more enjoyment and entertainment from real life. i escape by watching movies.
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Re: The X Factor

Post by mart »

Amazing how people who despise it have such detailed

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Re: The X Factor

Post by rrankin »

Simon is a cunt.

Paula Abdul as guest judge was worth watching. She's still cute and has nice tits.