Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on???
Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on???
From what I've read on this site the numbered Ben Dover films are hard core, the named versions are soft, this makes sense as the tapes that I have contain the scenes listed under the numbered descriptions BUT the tapes advertised as Hard Core on the 'Your Scene' website contain the scenes as described under the named versions on this site. So if I buy from 'Your Scene' I'm going to double up on some scenes...Can anyone fathom this riddle?
Re: Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on???
Yes some of the scenes in the titled films are repackaged from Life on the Streets, but there are some scenes that are new material. If you are about to purchase a 'titled' film but don't want to double up from Life on the Streets, make full use of this website, that's what it is here for. I have used it numerous times before making puchases of Ben's excellent movies.
Re: Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on???
You obviously haven't looked at the page explains this issue - clearly I thought when I wrote it, but please ask if anything is not clear. With one or two exceptions, which are indicated, the titled Ben Dovers listed here are all hard core.
Talking of this issue, if anyone knows who is in the even numbered Ben Dover volumes from 14 to 28 inclusive, please tell us so that we can complete the listings properly.
Talking of this issue, if anyone knows who is in the even numbered Ben Dover volumes from 14 to 28 inclusive, please tell us so that we can complete the listings properly.
Re: Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on???
I have most of Life on the Street vols 2-27 but I am missing the following numbers, can anybody assist in my completion of this series? 10, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 and vol 1, if hardcore
Re: Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on???
Vol. 1 is hardcore, Brighton Babewatch is softcore.
Send for a Euroflex catalogue. Warning - it will contain some pretty revolting other titles, but it they do sell Vol. 1. Address on the suppliers page.
Also have a look at - they may do vol. 10, though I'm not certain of that.
Send for a Euroflex catalogue. Warning - it will contain some pretty revolting other titles, but it they do sell Vol. 1. Address on the suppliers page.
Also have a look at - they may do vol. 10, though I'm not certain of that.
Re: Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on??? who I believe produce the Ben Dover films has volumes 1 to 11 inclusive, for sale from their website.
Re: Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on???
They do not produce the Ben Dover films and their website appears to be dead, i.e. I made an order and nothing happened not even money taken from my bank account, no response to e-mail.
Re: Ben Dover films - what on earth is going on???
A bit late I know - this is the situation re Ben Dover. ?All the 90 minute numbered vols were for the European market & issued by a German Company whilst all the titled ones were for the US market. Nos 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 & 28 do not exist. The Sex In Public Places series & others were originally marketed under Ben Dover's name although he had nothing to with them - this is probably the reason he stopped using the German Co. ?When one of these was released then the Ben Dover series missed a volume No.. ?Hence all the gaps. ?The last vol was 27 which is the same as Ben Dover's Hot Spice Girls with an additional scene.
Volume 10 has 3 scenes - Kerry Matthews(Alley Cats), Sabrina(Amanda) Johnson (Alley Cats) & the one where he visits Buttman (English Class).
Volume 1 has the Melanie Rowen scene (English Muffins), Janey Lamb(Kinky Ladies of London) & Roxanne Hall (Kinky Ladies).
Every scene in the European ones is covered in the US ones, the only difference being that the watersports scenes are edited out of the US ones.
The only company I know that has practically every Ben Dover (US editions) is Your Scene.
Volume 10 has 3 scenes - Kerry Matthews(Alley Cats), Sabrina(Amanda) Johnson (Alley Cats) & the one where he visits Buttman (English Class).
Volume 1 has the Melanie Rowen scene (English Muffins), Janey Lamb(Kinky Ladies of London) & Roxanne Hall (Kinky Ladies).
Every scene in the European ones is covered in the US ones, the only difference being that the watersports scenes are edited out of the US ones.
The only company I know that has practically every Ben Dover (US editions) is Your Scene.