Disgusting racist behaviour

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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by diplodocus »

i think everyone is missing the point here,

its not about where your from or who you are. this type of behaviour is wholy unaccepeble, whether your english, scottish , welsh, irish, german, jamaican, american. whatever.

the perpitrators should be hung up and strung wherever they are from

we are Leeds.... , and we can still beat the mighty Chester
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Mojo »

And that's why they're loser cowards who're sad enough to be living some 800 years in the past.
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Mojo »

Yes, very much so. And if the idiots above read my post properly, as in FULLY. then they would have also read that I said being English is a state of mind, NOT colour or origin. Idiots, quoting only the bits that suit you. !furious!

My argument is that you should only go to live in a country if you like the people and culture enough to want to intergrate fully and adapt to your host's way of living. In effect to divorce your country and culture of origin and become one with the country and culture that you've chosen to live in. In other words one shouldn't be allowed to have your cake and eat it. For example, if I were to go to the US to live then I'd forget about being English and become 100% American, or else I would have no place being there. Can you get your little minds around that concept at all?

And personally speaking, I would be right behind the Scots, Welsh etc. if only they stopped hating us because of things that happened hundreds of years in the distant past. All this Braveheart crap really gets up my nose good and proper. It's over, finished, gone, ancient frickin' history! And the ones who keep on about such stuff, hating a nation because of long dead battles are, in my opinion, bloody savage! Now, if the Scottish and Welsh were to get behind the English as brothers, especially in light of the Muslim threat that exists NOW to all of us (the Muslim fanatics hate ALL the West, including Scotland and Wales, then I'd be more accepting of them and be more willing to call myself British rather than English. But as long as all this William Wallace shit is thrown in our faces, along with this half way independence that only benefits the Welsh and Scots, then I'll fight my fuckin' corner, 'cause I view any slur on the English as a slur on me personally! QED
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Fred »

"..if I were to go to the US to live then I'd forget about being English and become 100% American, or else I would have no place being there. Can you get your little minds around that concept at all?"

DOH !doh!

No, really, thanks for all the laughs. Ever left the Isle of Wight, chum?
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Mojo »

I don't see anything stupid in that notion. If it were stupid, then the government wouldn't be trying to get all the immigrants to integrate right now by setting up British culture classes. Multicultural societies don't work, which was proven by 7/7.

And no, I don't live on the Isle of Wight.
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Fred »

It's a while since we've had anyone quite as confused as you, IoW Man.

Example: Stanley Kubrick, the great American film director, lived in the UK from his 34th birthday, but never took out British citizenship. Does that make him a British, or in your case, English director? No. Alternatively, Alfred Hitchcock moved to the States halfway through his career and eventually became a US citizen. So was he a British or American director? You would have to say both. Not so simple, is it?

An English guy who marries a German and lives in Munich is still very likely to be supporting the English team tomorrow. Anyone going into the Ye Olde Kings Head in Santa Monica and telling the ex-pats they're not English would get their pimply little arse kicked back to Cowes, pronto.

It's a matter of choice, matey. Deal with it.
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Attn: Fred

Post by BGAFD Admin »

Please click 'Reply To This Message' when using 'Flat View'. Otherwise, all your posts display in 'Threaded View' as responding to the first post in a thread. This can make following the various dialogues in a lengthy thread a bit confusing and we've enough confused folk around these parts as it is.
Sheik Yerbouti
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Sheik Yerbouti »

What do expect from the people of Glasgow they spend most of their time trying kill each other, Ive seen bigots the world over but the racist scum in glasgow are the worst so this story does not suprise me.
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Re: Attn: Fred

Post by Mojo »

Stanley Kubrick, the great American film director, lived in the UK from his 34th birthday, but never took out British citizenship. Does that make him a British, or in your case, English director?

It makes him an American director.

Alternatively, Alfred Hitchcock moved to the States halfway through his career and eventually became a US citizen. So was he a British or American director?

An American director.

An English guy who marries a German and lives in Munich is still very likely to be supporting the English team tomorrow.

If he lives in Germany and follows any sport he should be supporting a German team.

Anyone going into the Ye Olde Kings Head in Santa Monica and telling the ex-pats they're not English would get their pimply little arse kicked back to Cowes, pronto.

If they live in another country then they should relinquish their British passports.

Please click 'Reply To This Message' when using 'Flat View'. Otherwise, all your posts display in 'Threaded View' as responding to the first post in a thread. This can make following the various dialogues in a lengthy thread a bit confusing and we've enough confused folk around these parts as it is.

Needn't bother Admin, because Fred obviously hasn't got the savvy to enable him to work the forum properly. !doh! And seeing that's the case he'll obviously never understand what I'm saying either, so why should I bother arguing with him?