Disgusting racist behaviour

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shock the monkey
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by shock the monkey »

Scottish people are just jealous. Fuck 'em. Hopefully they'll get independence soon and we'll never have to hear from them ever again. Let's see how they get on without English handouts when the main industry is ginger wigs and deep fried mars bars.

sky blue alzer
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by sky blue alzer »

savages......you wouldn't get someone being attacked for wearing a football shirt or for being a different race down here in England.
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by mrchapel »

Hey dickhead did you read my post?? I almost got the shit kicked out of me for coming out of the cinema after seeing braveheart in Carlisle. Yeah football violence and racism is purely a Scottish thing. Fucking idiot.

It`s not a Scottish thing and the football is just an excuse for animals just looking to harrass , bully and kick the shit out of anyone, preferably a soft target.
I wouldn`t tarnish all the English as hooligans because I had one bad experience just the same as any English folk shouldn`t be tar all us Scots with the same brush and let this dissuade them from visiting Scotland.
Bukkake shots where you are with a few other guys...is fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a woman...you wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with theirs...you're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Mojo »

I say that, if the Scots hate us soooo very much then they should get all their MP's out of OUR fuckin' parliament , stop coming over the border to take OUR jobs, stop bleeding us dry of OUR taxes and simply declare full independence. Easy. Why don't they do it if they hate us so much, I wonder? Could it be because of all the power and money which lies across the border, perhaps? They shouldn't just shout their mouths off about how much they hate the English and just do it! Sever the umbilical cord and stand on their own two feel without leeching off us whilst at the same time saying how much they hate us! !furious!

And these aren't just isolated instances of this sort of thing happening. You don't always have to be wearing an English football shirt in order to face such violence either. I've heard of English people being harassed in the streets and chased from their homes after moving to Scotland. I've heard about pensioners being harassed in their homes through threats of violence, intimidation and vandalism after retiring to Scotland! But then Scots feel it's the god damned given right to nip over the boarder to work and live whenever they feel fit! Hypocrites, that's what I call them! Only the other day I was on the bus and a middle aged Scottish woman (in her 50's) got on. When the bus driver hesitated over her Scottish currency she started on about, "What, isn't Scottish money good enough for you?! We are British too, you know?!" Yeah, when it fuckin' well suits them they're British; when they want something out of US! Want their cake and eat it, that's your Scot! They want their own country but still want goodies out of us, not least the power they get down in Westminster! !furious!

Well, that's my rant over....Oh, and by the way, I'm an "English Nationalist", one who wants complete independence from all the hangers on (a.k.a. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). !happy!
sky blue alzer
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by sky blue alzer »

If the Scots (or the Welsh or Northern Irish) were such leeches England would have declared independence and got shot of them years ago......remember you don't own Scotland, Wales or Ulster, it's part of a Union. Do people in the other home nations not pay taxes or something? All of a sudden everything wrong in the UK is down to the Scots.......all because not everybody wants England to win at football, for fuck's sake. You're not too fussy about taking our oil money or our soldiers are you? I didn't hear a lot of complaining down south when no-one in Scotland voted Tory but still had to have Thatcher thrust upon them, like it or not. - Mojo - Your hatred for all things Scottish makes you as bad as the arseholes that attacked the people up here......and do you base all your opinions on hearsay? Must be great to live in England - a country free of any kind of racist attacks.
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Mojo »

Firstly you answered the wrong post.

You're not too fussy about taking our oil money

If you mean those North Sea rigs, they're in international waters, not Scottish waters.

Do people in the other home nations not pay taxes or something?

Most taxes in Scotland are paid by the English. For example, the English mostly paid for your "Parliament".

all because not everybody wants England to win at football

I don't even like football myself, but it brings to the surface how the Scottish really feel about us; your true colours. "Can't stand you....but we want your money."

You're not too fussy about taking our oil money or our soldiers are you?

Like I said, the platforms are in international waters (ie. not your oil), and we can fight our own battles if we were given independence from the you.

I didn't hear a lot of complaining down south when no-one in Scotland voted Tory but still had to have Thatcher thrust upon them

We suffered under that fascist Thatcher too.

Your hatred for all things Scottish makes you as bad as the arseholes that attacked the people up here

I don't attack Scots when I see them in my country, unlike visa-versa. I wouldn't stoop to such depths. I simply want England to be separate from you all, and deportation of anyone who thinks of themselves as ANYTHING but English.

and do you base all your opinions on hearsay?

No, from the TV news.

a country free of any kind of racist attacks.

Being English is a state of mind, not a state of colour or origin.
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Doyle »

Yeah but they did'nt pick on anyone who could fight back did they/
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by Fred »

"Deportation of anyone who thinks of themselves as ANYTHING but English"

Scottish, Irish, Welsh, American/Canadian, European, Australian/Kiwis...and what happens when they return the favour? ROTFL

Reminds me of a favourite "English nationalist" of recent times, pub landlord Michael Johnson, councillor of the England First Party, whose manifesto called for a ban on mixed-race marriages, black footballers playing for England, aid to Africa and virtually all immigration to England.

Then his granny intervened to say her son could not be a racist - grandad was from Cameroon.!laugh!
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Re: Disgusting racist behaviour

Post by mart »

Perhaps he would like this to be the EnglishGAFD.
