English supporters in Germany

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English supporters in Germany

Post by mrmcfister »

The calm before the storm...despite what you may read there are some real nasty bastards out here in Germany and I guarantee that its going to get very very nasty when the results dont go our way.Loads of thugs and fat pissed up twats out here with ss regalia,Nazi badges,helmets etc etc...I promise you that within a couple of weeks we yet again will be regarded as the scum of Europe...trouble is these big fat drunken twats cant get a bird so they 'bond' through football...they're OK when everyone is nice to them but when they get dealt with firmly they smash windows,piss in the street,and generally behave like the low life scum they are.There are some really nice folks out here but there are loads of total twats too..Sorry but its only a question of time...if we win it OK.... when we get knocked out watch this space.

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Re: English supporters in Germany

Post by IdolDroog »

mmm Alex Kramer
Rude Boy
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Re: English supporters in Germany

Post by Rude Boy »

Oh Gawd...how depressing and how shitty for the supporters over there not interested in all this bollocks, these dickheads really are the pits. I was thinking that if the team lost to Paraguay the twatty element back home would be utterly confused looking for something/somebody of Paraguayan descent to destroy. If I drove a Mercedes I'd probably put it in storage for a few months just in case!
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Re: English supporters in Germany

Post by Flat_Eric »

Rude Boy wrote:


Well, I'm English, I live in Germany and I drive a Mercedes with (obviously) German plates - which is no big deal over here where Mercs are ten-a-penny.

Problem is, at the end of next week we're driving to the UK in it for a 2 week holiday, and I am seriously worried about my wheels getting trashed if, during that time, we get knocked out by Germany on penalites in the second round (which I've for a long time been predicting will in fact occur).

I doubt that the moronic twat element would even notice the small Union Jack sticker that I have on the boot, and even if they did, it probably wouldn't make much difference.

So if my World Cup prediction comes true, I plan on garaging the Merc for the duration at my mother's and borrowing her car to get about in.

It's a sad indictment of UK society in 2006 that I should even have to think in those terms - which in turn is one reason I choose to remain an ex-pat.

I look at the UK and can't help thinking that the lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
Rude Boy
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Re: English supporters in Germany

Post by Rude Boy »

"It's a sad indictment of UK society in 2006 that I should even have to think in those terms"

It's incredible but I think you are wise to eer on the side of caution, I would too.
Sam Slater
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Re: English supporters in Germany

Post by Sam Slater »

English hooliganism abroad has diminished so much that we're about average now compared to other nations. The Turks, Argies, and a few east european countries are worse now. The Polish, Germans and Italians are just as bad as us, and the Spanish & Italians have a real racist problem. Something thats virtually been wiped out of the Britsh game.

English (not British btw) fans have just built up a reputation and europe's media are continually looking for trouble from them. The media mainly ignore's a Turk stabbing a Pole, but if an english fan trashes a cafe, then we here about it big time.

Remember the Nazi salute towards the english crowd, one of the German players did in Euro 96 at Wembley? If that wasn't inciting the crowd I dunno what is! Imagine what Fifa would do if one of the English players did a 'machine gun' salute to the German fans if we knock them out? That player would be slaughtered by the press and probably banned from further matches.

Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we -drug theme coming up- legalise hooliganism? It won't seem as 'cool' to do and may reduce the aggression!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: English supporters in Germany

Post by chatterji »

Rest assured we won't be meeting Germany in the second round as both countries will win their groups.

Germany is a poor side but already has a win, and only has to face Poland (woeful and have already lost), and Ecuador (nothing special). We'll beat T&T and top the group on goal advantage over Sweden, after we draw with them.

If the unthinkable happened and we did meet Germany, even with our castrated striker options our midfield would put their laughable defence to the sword. The 4-2 German scoreline against Costa Rica was deeply flattering. Two wonder goals separated them from a draw. Ballack will make a difference, when he plays, but he won't be able to shield their defence.

The problem is the element of scum that the world's media focus on, don't represent football fans or England. In every tournament where things have kicked off with English fans it's been a small percentage of the total number. Morons are morons in every country.
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Re: English supporters in Germany

Post by Flat_Eric »

Sam Slater wrote:


I take back what I said in the other thread about you arguing your point logically.