Discounts for the Guilty

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Re: Discounts for the Guilty

Post by randyandy »

The other reason for discounts is to save the victims or their families the anguish of being in court and having to go through what happned in detail.

In my view life should always mean life, so I don't know what discount could be offered in order to do what the reasons are for.

In the particular case of Webster I'd hang him by his balls from a tree using a rusty nail so the discount could be just the use of a normal nail.

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Re: Discounts for the Guilty

Post by strictlybroadband »

It's also good in that it reduces the suffering of the victims/their relatives, avoiding making them site through a traumatic trial process.

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Re: Discounts for the Guilty

Post by mart »

"Moreover, we have in our "legal" system a vast regiment of politically-correct motivators whose sole purpose is to condone, excuse and justify the criminal actions of these scum!!"
Here we go again.
No doubt they're all tree-hugging Guardian readers.

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Re: Discounts for the Guilty

Post by Michelle »

Totally agree steve... I think if you plead guilty of a crime of this nature and are sentenced then that sentence should NEVER be reduced....

I live next to the village where the family of the poor child who suffered this terrible ordeal live.....

It probabally will not be known until she is older if the rape has had any pernament damage on her reproductive system....

As for the woman claiming Webster had some sort of influence over her well I pray and hope no man ever has a relationship with this evil woman which in turn allows her to have children herself....

Without saying too much karma is a bitch chaps.....

M x
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Re: Discounts for the Guilty

Post by DavidS »

The idea of the discount was to encourage those guilty to plead so in order to avoid a lengthy trial. It was not intended to give heavy discounts to the likes of Webster where the offence was extreme and the prosecution case so overwhealming that conviction was virtually certain. New directions to judges are expected shortly.
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Re: Discounts for the Guilty

Post by DavidS »

I very much agree with you Michelle. Not only did the trial judge deal with this woman excessively leiniently, the Court of Appeal failed to correct this when they had the opportunity to do so. Had the trial judge in the moors case used the same criteria Hindley would have been released in the 1970's.
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Re: Discounts for the Guilty

Post by steve56 »

hindley also said brady had influence over her too didnt she?
Posts: 233
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Re: Discounts for the Guilty

Post by Michelle »

So did Maxine Carr....... load of bollocks... all humans with even a shred of nouse know full well what is right and wrong and consequence....

M x