Why is the UK so full of dicks!

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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by IdolDroog »

You're 39 ?! I thought you were much older than that the way you've been speaking about things. "if im still alive" etc. Jeez i need to pull my finger out even further then as ill be 26 when i graduate. hmmm a little less conversation a little more action.
mmm Alex Kramer
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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by perihelion »

lighten up marty, after all this is only an internet thread, hey after all, i could sen you some more LH dvds to cheer you up !! lol

shame......such a shame.... i think i kind of lost myself again.....
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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by perihelion »

Marty - maybe you are one of the dicks in the uk that you refer to!

shame......such a shame.... i think i kind of lost myself again.....
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Post by Mojo »

I'd rather not go into details on this forum, as in names. Suffice to say that the one I was barred from my ambitions for, is hidden (as is the second disability) until it happens. As I said, when I took the medical I hadn't had any symptoms since I was a kid. All I did was take the pills every day without any check-ups from my useless doctor. He said I was fit enough to even join the Army if I wanted to, so I naturally believed that I was fit for anything I wanted to do. But when I moved house and finally got the chance to go for the career I wanted my new doctor failed me flat. It was then that I found out that, being on medication, I was automatically barred for ten years at least from going for my chosen career. I asked my equally useless new doctor if he could take me off the pills under a controlled process, which he refused. So, after heated arguments I was forced to take myself off the pills. I was a-okay for 2 years after that only for the disability to reoccur again. Now I'm back on the medication. But, my argument is, if the government took every case on an individual basis, then I wouldn't have needed to risk my health by having to take myself off the medication in order to get a career they ultimately blocked me from getting. Now, for the time being at least, I'm truly up the creek without a paddle, if you get my drift.
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Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Post by Mojo »

Marty: Fudge's comments are what I've been going on about all this time. Only, with me it's more "spirited" and full of venom because I've been at the sharp end of "The System", and through no fault of my own either. I don't begrudge talented people any success either, Trouble is, in this society there's too many people with no moral compass, morally void people, who are calling the shots and use people like animals in order to make themselves that much more wealthy. In fact, about the only talent these people do have is in using people. They crap on people in order to buy their next big house or Jag. Now, if you've made it through honest means, then good to yah! But I have nothing but contempt for those who exploit and use people in order to get where they want to go.

Thats what stress and worry do you you when you set up a company.

You should be me then, because stress is what triggers off the disability that got me barred from my career! A right nightmare it is too. A bit like being in limbo, neither living nor dead! Basically, you wouldn't want to be me...EVER!