Why is the UK so full of dicks!

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Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: a few pointers.....

Post by Sam Slater »

What a looooong thread! Pity about the arguements & general sniping.

Back on topic regarding 'why is the uk full of dicks?' Does anyone really think the UK is the worst place to live in western europe? If the uk is full of dicks, then why do you think that is? Seriously?

Ok, it's true that you're more likely to get 'beat to a pulp' during a night out on the town, in this country but I was under the assumption that this was genetics. England especially was born of warrior tribes from allover europe correct? Vikings that wanted to kill & rape settled here while the ones that didn't stayed at home in Sweden & Denmark. It's the same with the Normans, Saxons & Romans. People with the tendency for aggression have settled here and bred with other 'likeminded' aggressors. If you do this for nearly two thousand years then you're bound to find a more 'aggressive gene' within Englands 'gene pool'.

Imagine mating lab rats who have the tendency to chew their tail off. Imagine only letting them mate with other rats with the same tendency and repeat this for 30 or 40 generations. Would you say the offspring after all this time would be more likely to chew their tail off than a normal rat from outside your experiment? I'm guessing it's correct.

Maybe our aggressive gene has helped us defeat the armada, or napolean, or was why we were the only european country to stand up to the Nazi's in our past. It also explains 'British Empire', and why we are so troublesome abroad.

Despite all this the UK is 'the place to be' in europe for imigrants. East europeans, africans and peoples from the arab states continously travel through europe to get to northern France whereby the throw themselves onto moving trains -risking their lives- to get through the tunnel to our shores. They continually fall off dying or breaking bones, only to do it again as soon as they're fit enough to. When they get here they have no money and are left to find 'slave labour' or 'prostitution' & 'begging'. Do they want to go back to France, Germany or Italy?........Hell no!

I have my own ideas about 'societies decline' but I'll spare you the pain.................for now.

So people, 'why is the UK full of dicks?


[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Post by Mojo »


A general term used when pointing a finger at a section of society (not necessarily meaning all in that section of society).

'Marty is a fascist'

I never called you a fascist. I called Blair and New Labour fascists and that you seemed to side with them, which, if true, would make you a supporter of said fascists. example: In Nazi Germany most people sided with Hitler without actually being fascist themselves.

'Marty is a bully'

I said employers as a general term, not meaning all employers. I never once pointed a finger directly at you. After all, I've only just found out that you're an employer, so I couldn't have been pointing specifically at you when I typed those things.

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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by Mojo »

!shocked! !bow! Cor, if you're for real you're definitely one of the few then! After that job that I mentioned, the one I stayed 5 YEARS at, along with numerous similar hire and fire "jobs", and after my dire experiences at school (think George McFly here), I've been told that I suffer from a form of PTSD as well as my 2 diagnosed disabilities! So, as you can see, I'm a bit of a mess. But, but, I'm still after that training in that career I mentioned elsewhere on this thread. It's a career where I'd be more or less my own boss, with no one looking over my shoulder giving me aggro. Just hope that the government can see sense and stop giving me excuses!

And all I got was 4 weeks a year to sit at home (didn't get paid enough to do anything else!) in order to get over being at work, as I called it, "The Hell Hole".
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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by mart »

Ah, the wicked unions. I should have guessed they would be dragged into it.
Glad to see where you spend most of your time mcfly, remind me not to visit France, I might bump into you.
But please tell us why you started this thread. Are you really interested in the answer? Although, of course, it could be that you're starting with a false premise and you are really trolling.
Incidentally, elsewhere you assumed I live on a council estate. Is that a term of abuse?

Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: a few pointers.....

Post by Sam Slater »

But Marty, our past is relevant to why we're generally more aggressive. It was an effort -on my part- to answer your question "why is the UK so full of dicks! (why did you ask a question with an exclamation mark btw?).

Did you really want to know 'why the Uk is so full of dicks' or was the purpose of your posts just to scorn British society, and brag about your own personal achievements? Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm not being sarcastic in any way, it's just that looking at your posts, none seem helpful to a problem you think 'British society' has. You have no 'helpful' advice on how to rectify the problem, and all you've done is tell everyone how wonderful France is, while telling people how successful you are.

Hey, I'm not saying the UK doesn't have it's problems! We have lots of problems to solve, it's just that Europe has just as many problems to solve as we do. The problems might be different, but 'problems' just the same. Most of Eastern Europe -including Italy- is as corrupt as hell, Germany's economy is down the pan, and the northern european countries economies will probably crash within the next 50 years if population sizes stay the same, along with their laws on immigration.

Also Racism is a bigger problem in every european country, and I mean every european country than in the UK. If you're black/asian or oriental and want to progress up societies ladder -within europe- then the UK is the best place you can be, regardless of education and social standing.

You're not 'seeing' the UK with an open mind. You're looking at the country from your personal point of view, and since you don't like what you see, you're seeing it as a country 'full' of dicks. You've told us on numerous occasions that you're an educated guy, but you're definately not giving me the impression you have an 'open minded', 'unbiased', and 'educated' opinion on the UK.

Again, I'm not 'having a go' at you, I just think you need to take off your 'french tinted' glasses. !wink!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]