Why is the UK so full of dicks!

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Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Post by Flat_Eric »

Marty McFly wrote:


Marty - I agree with much of what you say in this thread.

By the way, in response to your earlier question to me personally, I'm to the south of Stuttgart, in south-west Germany (edge of the Black Forest).

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Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

That's alright! I'm not laughing because you're brits! I'm laughing because people here are as passionate about the way they feel here too! And they get into fist-to-cuffs about it!!laugh!
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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by Mojo »

That particular post was intended for Photo-taker

Excuse my mistake. I have the flu and misread who you were talking to with all my sneezing.

claim that the 'government' prevented you from doing what you wanted to do? What did you want to do and how did they attempt to stop you.

It's not just a claim, they have stopped me, as in a LIFE ban. And when I chose something else they said, "Sorry, but it costs too much to train you." !furious!

I highly imagine that you probably have spent a large proportion of your life claiming benefits. If so, then the government came in very handy then!

I'd prefer the career I was after than any benefits. When I took my medical as far as I was concerned I was 100%, but the government felt differently (a.k.a. government's fault). So now, through the government's bloody mindedness, you're all paying the price for THEIR dicision. Or maybe, as I suspect, they thought I'd be stupid enough to go back into the same crap dead end employment that I've done since I was 16 like a good little peasant? Fat chance!

Furthermore, tax payers like myself (especially business) pay a fortune into providing support to individuals like you, who are happy to take the country for all they can.

Ohh, now I get it, after I've had the blocks put up by the government because of my disability (actually I've got 2 diagnosed disabilities), it's actually MY fault! Silly me. Considering that I could've easily done what I wanted to do on my medication and actually paid my own money for the medical for the job, I don't think that it's my fault that the government stepped in to dash my prospects somehow, and all for something that happened 15 YEARS before I went for the medical! All I can say is that they're f**kers for judging me on ancient history! And as a final insult, after telling me that I was sooo f**kin' ill, they didn't even have the decency to allow me DLA! !furious! I guess they thought they could starve me into skid row employment again. But, as I said before, you're all paying now for the government's anal bum f**kin' mentality, that is until they come up with something better than sweeping the streets or working alongside criminals in factories (which I have done). In other words, don't blame me for my enforced situation, blame the government.
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Re: Rural Bulgarian villages are better than the UK

Post by Mojo »

Only poor "shitheads", remember?
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Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Post by Mojo »

People like Mojo in this forum seem to assume that just because I have made a success of my life and have a good income, then I must have bullied or trampled on others.

And NOT ONCE have I attacked you personally for whatever you do for a living. I don't even know what you do for a living! My attacks are on those in society who get money through underhanded and morally currupt means, like a lot of my old bosses, one of whom moaned and threatened even when there was nothing to moan and threaten about. No one in the staff liked him, and I wondered why? If there was nothing to moan about, then he bloody well found something to moan about! I'm not at all interested in the politics of envy, because like fudge, I realise that you can't take it with you. I'm not at all materialistic, wanting to become mega-rich, or even rich. Be nice, but I know that there are things beyond that, like the love of a good woman and even having nice kids. I have nothing but admiration for people, like say, Steven Speilberg, who've made it through honest talent. But my venom is directed at the John Prescotts (especially creeps like him), Tony Blair's, fat cats and other social climbers in society. Tell me, for example, how the hell did 2 Jags John "I'll play croquet while I'm supposedly running the country" Prescott get to be a highly paid under worked deputy prime minister?! How does the "New Labour" government get mostly funded? Through big business. And why would big business fund a political party like New Labour? Only if they set the system up in order to benefit them in providing board room tax brakes and in providing a "flexible labour market". In other words, providing a labour market that's both cheap and easily disposable.
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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Post by Mojo »

The Protestant work ethic sucks if you ask me. There is no sanctity in work, that's a sick idea if you know how employers try to shaft everybody all the time. You can't afford to be a hard-working honest employee with the belief that hard work within a company will get you anywhere. It's the lazy tricksters and compulsive liars who get on, not the people who do all the hard work and actually try to get it right.

Dead right there. What's the point in working hard if all you're going to do is get trod on continuously with no hope of bettering yourself. In most UK employment the only ones to get rich are the bosses. It's a case of workplace moral I'm talking here, not a case of laziness. In most UK workplaces its the blue collar who does all the sweating whilst the boss sits in his office doing all the pen pushing and all the counting. I found all that out years ago.