Knifing Of The Week

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Officer Dibble
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Knifing Of The Week

Post by Officer Dibble »

We were talking about this sort of bollocks just the other day, when I believe I said words to the effect that this particular kind of shit was a now a, seemingly, weekly occurrence. Well, what do you know, a few days later and here we are again. On Thursday afternoon 15-year-old Kiyan Prince was knifed to death outside his school. Eyewitnesses reported seeing an altercation with a ?black youth? who was then seen running away towards local flats.

Officer Dibble

random hero
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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by random hero »

knifing now seems to be the same as the drive by shooting,end of the day there wont be any law brought up about it ,cant understand why knife need to be near any school....or why this sort of thing needs to happen,seemed like a good lad....i feel sorry for the family and hope the law does its most against the perps of this crime
Arnold Layne
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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by Arnold Layne »

So sad... there's not much else you can say really, it would be a good idea to include self defence as a part of P.E in schools, learn how to take a knife off someone, quickly, especially nowdays, when I was at school the worst was a black widow catapult, how times have changed !sad!

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Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

This poor lad's death is a tragedy. However, note it is black killing black, so no he will be forgotten about very quickly as no chance for CRE etc to stir up more anti-white propoganda.
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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by steve56 »

he was trying to break up a fight not a good idea really.
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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by buttmovies »

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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by Flat_Eric »


Bad idea.

When I took up karate some years ago, I remember our instructor (a third-dan black belt and former Police & Fire Services world champion, so he's no slouch) asking his class of beginners what people thought was the best defence against someone wielding a knife.

Hands shot up. And everyone whose opinion he asked (myself included) started suggesting all kinds of fancy Jean-Claude Van Damme shit. After we'd finished, he surprised us all by telling us that the best and ONLY sensible thing to do if faced with someone armed with a knife is - if possible - turn round and get the fuck away as fast as you can. In other words run.

And he was absolutely right. In the time since, I've learned some techniques for "disarming" a knifeman, but in all honesty, I wouldn't recommended it at all because AT THE VERY LEAST, chances are you're going to end up with very nasty cuts to the hand - and that's assuming that the person you're dealing with is just some pissed-up clown who doesn't have much idea about handling a blade properly AND assuming that you don't freeze on the "occasion": It's one thing to disarm someone with a wooden "blade" in a self-defence class, but a different thing altogether when someone's coming at you in the street with cold steel, intent on doing you serious damage. In that case, your only safe option - assuming that for some reason you can't leg it - it to put the guy down VERY QUICKLY with a single blow so that he doesn't get up again. Even then you need to know what you're doing, and that action could in itself see YOU as the one up in court on a charge (bearing in mind how criminals seem to have more "rights" than victims these days).

In short, I think that teaching kids self-defence in PE would be massively counter-productive because it would give them a false sense of security in such a situation. The only answer is to persuade people (kids in particular) that carrying a blade isn't "cool" at all, and to have stiffer sentences for those who get caught, not just a slap on the wrist, a paltry fine and / or "community service".

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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by randyandy »

Sorry but the point about it being forgotten because its a black killing black is just bollocks.

It will be seen as another child murder by another child.

Obviously if it had been a white attacker the media field day would be on a much greater scale but a child being killed by a child is still news worthy.

In my view this is just another needless tragedy that again shows just how cheap some value other people?s lives.

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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by Dorrin »

Blair has got his priorities right though on how to protect school children, he's banning turkey twizzlers and crisps! maybe if they are fitter they can run faster when it all kick's off. All this crap about about school dinners when parents are worried if their child is going to be mugged for their mobiles or knifed foe the hell of it. Get metal detectors on school premises and get to grips with the little thugs which means not sending them on holiday but punishing them.
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Re: Knifing Of The Week

Post by strictlybroadband »

Arnold Layne wrote:

> So sad... there's not much else you can say really, it would be
> a good idea to include self defence as a part of P.E in
> schools, learn how to take a knife off someone, quickly,
> especially nowdays, when I was at school the worst was a black
> widow catapult, how times have changed !sad!

Sad yes, but times haven't changed so much. I went to an inner London comprehensive in the late 70s/early 80s and knife carrying wasn't unusual. I carried one myself defensively, for a couple of weeks, until an older friend pointed out how fucking stupid that was and I stopped.

I get sick of this "arent things getting worse" Daily Mail style moaning. On the whole things aren't any worse than 20, 40 or 60 years ago - better in many ways.

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