McLaren for England - it bodes ill

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McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by Flat_Eric »

Just seen on the news this morning that Steve McClaren is set to be named today as the man to succeed Sven in the England hot-seat.

As the Sky News bloke said, McClaren is very much the second-choice compromise candidate of all the selection board members, and that "everyone's getting what nobody wants".

Okay, he's taken Boro to the UEFA Cup final, but apart from that he hasn't exactly set the world on fire. He's apparently not even very popular with Boro fans!!

Sad to say it, but today there's no real top-class English manager. We would have been better off with someone like Hiddinck, Wenger or Scolari (shame he turned it down in the end). All we have are the old-style roll-up-your-sleeves types like McClaren, Allardyce and Curbishly and, that workmanlike approach just won't cut the mustard any more on the international stage. It wasn't even good enough 30 years ago.

Don't know about anyone else here, but I think that Steve McClaren is a terrible choice and I can see the England's national football team returning to the Dark Ages of the 1970s.

Sam Slater
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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by Sam Slater »

I don't think it's as bad as it seems....

Steve Mclaren wasn't my 1st choice either but I prefer him over Philipe Scholari. My 1st choice was Gus Hiddink. He's one of the best coaches and a good manager to boot. However it seems that the FA didn't think so, or he didn't fancy our media. Whatever, Philipe's record isn't so hot. Ok he's won a world cup with Cafu, Roberto Carlos, Rivaldo, Ronaldo & Ronaldino. Any manager has a chance with that team. They won it and the toughest opponents they came across was England! Lets remember we were winning though they had the better players and the winning goal was a mistake by our goalkeeper.

Lets also remember Euro 2004. He guided the home nation to the finals sure. But they were lucky against us. We had a good goal dissallowed and their matchwinner was Postiga who'd hardly scored all season at Tottenham and he scored a blinder against us! Anyway Portugal lost not once but twice against Greece! Could you imagine if England had lost twice against Greece in the same tournament within 2 weeks? Philipe didn't learn his lesson after being beaten once by Greece and he had a far superior team with home advantage. So again, Phils, 'not all that'.

Mclaren's not had much in the way of success, however he did win the league cup last season. Not too great you may think but remember thats all Alex Ferguson has won this year with far far superior players. He's also in the Ueafa cup final this year after turning games around with good substitutions. We all know he won the Champions league with Man Utd too being the coach at the time.

I think he'll do ok and we'll qualify for Euro 2008 with the team we have. He's good at nurturing youngsters too so I can see Downing & Aaron Lennon in with a shout within 18 months.

I can't see us winning the World Cup unless we get a few decisions go our way in big games, which never happens. I really really have a gut feeling that the Fifa's & UEFA's of this world want England out of tournaments a.s.a.p.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by eduardo »

I have to agree as Guus Hiddink should have got the job and would have if the selection process hadn't taken an age to sort out. By the time they got their collective heads together, Hiddink had taken the Russian job.

That said Steve Mclaren is the best of the english candidates but the best of an average bunch.

Obviously I hope my doubts are wrong and that he does well but I just can't see it.
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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by Peter »

Who knows where it could lead? I remember when Danny Wilson got the Barnsley job, not a single fan wanted him there. Within 2 years he'd taken a relegation threatened 1st division side into the premiership for the first and only time, and is now regarded as god-like.

maybe this unfancied boy will do something similar.
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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by diplodocus »

good point, remember the hassle west ham gave Pardew, bet they wouldn't change him now

we are Leeds.... , and we can still beat the mighty Chester
Bob Singleton
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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by Bob Singleton »

I don't think McLaren is altogether a bad choice, and despite the media, I don't think he's second choice, either.

Remember that many of the Man U boys praised his input as a coach when he was SAF's assistant; and that was at a time when they were sweeping all before them at home as well as in Europe.

He knows the current England set up and already works closely with the current squad (many of whom he'll inherit and many of whom speak well of him).

Like lots of managers before him he's made mistakes in the transfer market, but the England job isn't about buying players. He's brought on quite a few young (English) players at Boro, some of whom look good long-term prospects.

I just hope he does the right thing and strips Beckham of the captaincy. The captain must be a true leader on and off the pitch as well as a guaranteed first choice. That leaves either Gerrard or Terry. Given the media commitments of the captain, that actually only leaves Terry... can anyone outside of Liverpool understand a word Gerrard whines?

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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by Snowy »

Clearly the Middlesbrough boss was not the numero uno choice for the aptly-named FA.
The mess-up with 'Big Phil' showed how lousy they are when it comes to doing ANYTHING, not least choosing the manager of the national side.
I reckon the public would have Tel Boy back before you could say 'Jack Robinson'. However, he was never in the running at all.
McClaren ticks most of the FA's boxes, especially since he has worked for a while alongside SGE.
However, as someone on Radio 5Live said the other day, why on earth was there such a rush to choose the manager BEFORE the World Cup had even kicked off?
England's first competitive match after Germany isn't until the autumn - plenty of ''window time'' to get a new man in place.
I'm not convinced with McClaren. Brilliant though those two 4-3 wins were in the UEFA Cup, he certainly had Lady Luck on his side.
Generally, his teams play dull football, and Boro, under him, are not much more than mid-table stuff.
As a Liverpool supporter, I'm just glad the FA didn't come anywhere near Rafa the gaffer - now there's a manager who, in just two seasons, has guided his team to three major cup finals and either second (hopefully) or third (probably) in his second league campaign. Not bad going.
Well, time will tell, but I very much doubt McClaren's first match in charge of England will be as defending world champions - Rooney's terribly-timed injury has more than likely put an end to that dream.

Bob Singleton
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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by Bob Singleton »

Snowy wrote:

Clearly the Middlesbrough boss was not the numero uno choice for the aptly-named FA.
The mess-up with 'Big Phil' showed how lousy they are when it comes to doing ANYTHING, not least choosing the manager of the national side.



Were you privvy to all the meetings or are you getting your info from the tabloids?

Where is the proof that McLaren was second choice after Scolari? The best you would be able to come up with is what's been printed in the papers. Believe what they say (about ANY subject) at your peril!

As for Rafa... you have to be kidding, surely? Liverpool havn't come close to challenging for the Premiership in the two years he's been in charge. If you think it's good to come second or third in "only" his second year in England, what do you think of the man, who in the same period of time, has come first twice?

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by diplodocus »

the fact that the job was offered to 'big phil' first makes it quite obvious that steve was second choice,

and no this isn't tabloid nonsense, every paper and the beeb etc etc said the brazil bloke had been offered the job, it was only when our good old press got hold of him he realised that 'fuck me I don't need this' he turned it down

well done FA u fucked it up big time, I hope by god i'm wrong but I see us going back to the old keegan ways

we are Leeds.... , and we can still beat the mighty Chester
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Re: McLaren for England - it bodes ill

Post by Doyle »

Can I just wish Leeds all the luck in the play-offs cos if u go up u owe the Boro 1.8 million !laugh! (best bit of buiness Gibson ever did) on the off chance you need any more rejects fancy taking Parlour off our hands? !wink!
