Leicester cop scandal

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Re: Leicester cop scandal

Post by buttmovies »

I agree that there are a number of issues that this film outlined that need to be looked at.

However this Documentary if you can call it a documentary was a lot of spin from c4.

Not one person was given the opportunity to comment as the events happened other than the people who had only criticism of the police.

We only had a short interview from the policeman at the end of the programme thus giving the audience not a chance to have a real judgement about what they have watched.

When you make a programme like this you have the power to place on the screen your view of the events.

I feel it sucked alot of people in to thinking the police are corrupt and unreliable.

Von Boy
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Re: Leicester cop scandal

Post by Von Boy »

What REALLY is concerning is that the Chief Constable for Leicestershire has said they will look into it......................BUT if the programme had not been made this would have continued and the C C would have been completely unawares, sitting in his big chair.................it also proves that the cops will not shop each other, so were's the honest copper gone ????????????


Proud to be Von Boy
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Re: Leicester cop scandal

Post by LOUI$E EVANS »

mmmmm?? I suppose they paid the police to act like 'pigs' just to make good tele!
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Re: Leicester cop scandal

Post by chatterji »

Bit weird Keith to level that accusation. I have mentioned it on the board, to give background on myself, giving other people the chance to know my prejudices. No one I actually know would know where I went to uni because I'm middle-aged, so it's irrelevant. Also, I don't lack confidence so I don't tend to feel the urge to air things to big myself up. Ultimately, as we all know, Oxbridge attendance indicates nothing more than an ability to pass exams with high marks. Intelligence is something else entirely. Anyway, I feel flattered that you've taken enough interest in me to compile a dossier on my past....Or perhaps you're just telling me to talk less about myself, which is fair enough?

Obviously I understand that the doc was made to be good telly, it's slanted, blah, blah, blah. Like most people on this board, I've met coppers who were bent, but I was surprised by the don't-give-a-shit attitude which affected colleagues out there doing their job. To pass by someone on the street bleeding heavily, or to choose not to help a woman being dragged down an alley in the early hours of the morning, is shocking behaviour from anyone, let alone the Police. That's all. But then looking around at what our society's become, perhaps it's not so surprising...just disheartening.
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Re: Leicester cop scandal

Post by chatterji »

You're right about her...but she was still quite nice in that uniform.
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Re: Leicester cop scandal

Post by chatterji »

Yes. In uniform. Hair tied back. Glasses on. Sorry about the stains.