Protect children from religion?

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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by eroticartist »

Hi David,
A good point.
Thak you
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by eroticartist »

Abdul Rahman is facing the death sentence in Afganistan for converting from Islam to Christianity under Sharia law!!shocked!
Mike Freeman.
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by randyandy »

eroticartist wrote:

Only then will the cycle of divisiveness be arrested.

I agree about the child abuse but if you seriously think that banning religion will put and end to the cycle of divisiveness your very very wrong.

You may as well say ban Nations or what about ban oil or anything else that 'creates a divide' and people fight about.

In the days I used to work on the door I saw lots of fights and lots of trouble but not once was it ever because of religion.

Gangs from one area fighting with gangs from another just because of that. Religion had nothing to with it and I am almost certain gang members didn't know, think or even bother about what religion another member of the same gang was.

Tell me something when you walk do the street do you see people or religious objects? Apart from the obvious stand- outs I can't tell who is a Protestant, whose a Catholic or anything just by looking at them and to be honest couldn't give a toss what they are.

What's needed is for everyone to realise we are here once and life for everyone would be a lot better if we all got on and treated each other with equal respect.

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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by eroticartist »

Hi Randy,
When I walk down the street I see people wearing turbans, dilbabs, scullcaps and more.
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by fudgeflaps »

It's a curious phenomenon that a lot of acts brought about by mental illness, schizophrenia and manic depression in particular, involve religion- the old 'Jesus spoke to me from the telly' (when the telly was spouting white noise) or 'God told me...' from the radio when it was hissing static.

Is this to do with fundamental cross-wiring of a belief system and an illness, or was the invention of religion down to the inner workings of a mad nutter at it's inception? Interesting..........

But my core belief in my faith is as follows: the ultimate sin is said to be failure to believe in something that is impossible to understand. God, as a concept, in terms of all our earthly and scientific knowledge, IS impossible to understand- hence I should, and have, have faith. I dunno about this generic 'God' bullshit though, but some form of divine spirit, an ultimate overseer. If there isn't something or some entity there, then what you see as reality is one big fucking coincidence, IMHO.

Indoctrination didn't instil this in me though- that was my own insight. As we all have this level of autonomy, therefore, R.E. at school isn't going to radically change your core values.

I think your concern seems to be with extremist, radical and nigh-on militant factions of other faiths- regulated education will NOT taint the outlook of a child, but, in direct response to your topic title, indoctrination of kids, by family or otherwise, into extremist values, persuasions and tendencies- no. A warped mind may ensue.

Hence, in that respect, children SHOULD be protected from religion.

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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by eroticartist »

Iraq is now in the grip of a civil war and Muslim killing Muslim, one faction is called Shia, the other Sunni. Once they were all the same and accepted Mohammed as their prophet but when Mohammed died two men claimed to be the true prophet and the muslims split into two different religious factions. Each believing that their man heard God's voice in his head.
Now they are mortal enemies who are tying to exterminate one another even in their own temples.

Protect the children from religion.
Mike Freeman.
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by eroticartist »

Muslim Fundamentalists are in power now in Iraq

A 14 year old boy has just been shot dead by the Iraqi police for being gay. Lesbian and gays are on the death list of the sex hostile Shia Muslim leader Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. He has issued a fatwah against homosexuals and against all sexual deviants from Muslim morality. Women who dare show their legs now as they did when the secular Baathist party was in power under Saddam are having acid thrown at their legs by youths and religious militias.

The Ayatollah has ordered cliterodectomy on all females to be enforced rigorously.!shocked!
Mike Freeman
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by buttmovies »

eroticartist you said

"Iraq is now in the grip of a civil war"

I take it this is from your point of view right?

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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by eroticartist »

Do you dispute this fact?
Mike Freeman