Protect children from religion?

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Protect children from religion?

Post by eroticartist »

Why are we so tolerant of religion in a secular society?
The analogies beween religion and racism are clear. They shout I am different from you. There is only one human race.

Dare I say the heresy: children should be protected from all religious teachings and the state should seperate itself from the Church of England.

Indoctrination of children is child abuse. Religions should be practised in private by adults. Religious literature and films for believers should only be allowed in licensed religious shops and classified R. Furthermore mutilation of children in rituals and infanticide should be punished severely with higher detection rates. Religious schools phased out.
Only then will the cycle of divisiveness be arrested.
Officer Dibble
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Why are we so tolerant of religion in a secular society? "

I don't know, it a right load of old hocus-pocus and ball bag. I think it's just a case of the poncy fuckers who run the show being afraid or unwilling to upset the applecart for fear that it will affect the status quo and their positions of privilege and power. They know it's a load of old twaddle but they're comfortable as they are.

"Dare I say the heresy: children should be protected from all religious teachings and the state should separate itself from the Church of England."

I've advocated this all along. Sure, let's keep the holidays, customs and pageantry of it all, its colourful and part of our heritage. But let's not afford it any more significance than that. Let's do away with any laws that reference faith and religion and not take it into account when making new ones.

"Indoctrination of children is child abuse. Religions should be practised in private by adults. Religious literature and films for believers should only be allowed in licensed religious shops and classified R. Furthermore mutilation of children in rituals and infanticide should be punished severely with higher detection rates. Religious schools phased out. Only then will the cycle of divisiveness be arrested."

I absolutely agree. If folks want to adopt a certain religious lifestyle and practice all that palaver on their own - great, no problem. But if they want to indoctrinate and force their ways and views on others (including their kids) they should be pursued by the law and made to realise that they are divis and they rest of us are just not going to stand for it.

Officer Dibble

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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by Cerberus »

I agree with you both, religion is just another means of state control.
What I find intolerable is the way that the richest religion on the planet maintains & exercises it's control over the poorest nations on the planet via fear & restricting access to education & birth control.
Whilst the Vatican city's vaults are bursting at the seams & it's priests are parasites on the third world societies they "serve".
one eyed jack
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by one eyed jack »

I totally agree with all your points gents but think about this. Take away someones religion and all that they have come to believe in that and there will be a lot of lost and confused individuals....Personally I think a lot of them are lost and confused anyway which is why they need to blindly believe in something. I'm afraid the answer really isnt that simple with th elot we have now...We'd have to start with a new slate.

I blame it on the parents and their fears of burning in the relative hells of their faith.

Fact is: The only hell there is is what you make of it and those causing misery and pain are perpetuating this. Therefore if we look at it in context, they are really doing the devils work themselves...So much for being religious eh?
Officer Dibble
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by Officer Dibble »

" children naturally grow up to be respectful of others."

Yes they do - if you regularly administer a judicious clip round the ear hole.

Officer Dibble ... rangeid=10
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by eroticartist »

Treat them with respect and they will be respectful of others.
Mike Freeman.
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by dean1234 »

every body should be protect from religion not just the kids
religions has caused a lot of wars thru out history !hmmm!
Posts: 276
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Re: Protect children from religion?

Post by dean1234 »

should be protected and not protect in above post !oops!