Green Street - The worst film ever?

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Chemical Robbie
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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by Chemical Robbie »

Great post everyone - I had to laff at all the coments, especially, 'it's an insult to all real football thugs' - LOL.

I saw a bloke at teso's yesterday buying it at the checkout - wonder if he had the same opinion?

I have to see it now to really see how shit it was.


peace \/
Rude Boy
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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by Rude Boy »

I saw a guy only this morning in Woolworths striding towards the checkout with "Green Street" and it did occur to me to stop him and tell him how utterly shit it is but it's a free country after all.

I remember another football thug film from a few years ago featuring the bloke who plays Billy in Eastenders which was far better in which the characters ran around shouting "Shadwell Army" a lot and being rude to northerners. That's got to be my pick of the football yobs shouting films. It's even better than the one with Gary Oldman where his mates think he's great because he drives a....Ford Sierra!!!

I wonder if Elijah Wood has changed agents or something recently; the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy...classic, Sin City...brilliant, Green Street...huge steaming turd. What the fuck was he thinking?

Anyway, I've always wondered, is Shadwell a real football team?
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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by davey »

yes you are right Mart.we are never going to have a decent bootleg industry in this country if they keep on turning out shit like that.i want my ?1.50 back

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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by Guilbert »

Strangely the reviews of Internet Movie Database are quite good.

It gets a voted score of 7.3 out of 10

See here

Chemical Robbie
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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by Chemical Robbie »

cant wait for your review, blue boy.

peace \/
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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by Ace »

Rude Boy wrote:
> Anyway, I've always wondered, is Shadwell a real football team?

Shadwell are based loosley on Millwall FC from the film ID where an undercover policeman actually infiltrates Shadwell Town and turns out to actually enjoy being a hooligan and kills a rival supporter. VERY OTT film, but worth a watch.............and pisses on Green Street

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by steve56 »

shadwell nr wapping way whitechapel.
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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by jimmy068 »

Most of the stuff made about hooligans - whether on film or books - is over glorified and sensationalized (and totally exaggerated too) A quick look in any big book store and you see all these "Top dog" of the so and so firm's prattling on about his time as a "terrace warrior" or some gormless shite like that. Nearly all the fights I ever saw at football were just a quick scuffle and a few slaps then they'd all back off shouting and chanting at each other. Quite entertaining if the match was crap but nothing like they like to make out. There were a few scary incidents when you need to make haste of course but the police were usually nearby anyway. Ive not seen Green Street or Football factory so I couldn't really comment but like you I would probably find it more amusing than a serious study into "the hooligan culture" (i.e. morons) Isn't Frodo Baggins in it anyway???
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Re: Green Street - The worst film ever?

Post by Fraser »

That's because 99.99% of people voting on IMDB are yanks who have no idea how appallingly awful this film is, probably the same ones that reckon Dick Van Dyke was a realistic cockney.