Sick Barbaric Bastards

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Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

While it looks abhorrent all i can say is look to your own backyard before you criticise others

We humans worldwide kill species every week through destruction of habitat and for what,turning forest habitat into grazing land for cattle so the wests fast food chains can be supplied with patties for their burgers

While its very noble to stand up for animals rights what right do we really have when our own backyard is soiled

Most of what we take for granted in the west came at the expense of other species being used as human guinea pigs in the Laboratory

Its just that we are sheltered from it

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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by diplodocus »

ps I don't blame the people doing the killing, generally they are poor and have little choice if they want to feed their families, I might do the same in a similar situation,
correction, I would do the same if it was a choice between an animal or my child
the problem is with the rich tossers who think it's fine to wear fur for vanity without thinking of the consequences of their actions

we are Leeds.... , and we can still beat the mighty Chester
Cornish Chris
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Cornish Chris »

I do blame the people involved, poor or not, a still alive creature skinned alive and left writhing in agony and blinking in disbelief is wrong whatever culture you come from.

Sad so very sad. Only cunts wear real fur.

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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Cenobitez »

Chris you ever hit anyone with a baseball bat ?

I have, clean in the head full whack, i'm a big lad, and when i was on a door being a "bouncer" well i dont like bouncer, i like Door Supervisor, but bouncer be closer, I had an issue where a guy pulled a bat on me, i took it off him clocked him around the head, i didnt even facture his skull just knocked him out and gave him concussion, Section 47 was my charge, lucky i didnt get a 18 or 20 or fuck a section 1, but IF i a big strong burly guy with a baseball bat didnt cave a mans skull in, what chance has a under fed man got of having the strength to kill some of the animals they do ?

Given Sharp Claws and Teeth, id imagine the quickest method possible would be employed, which may include fuck killing it, lets stun it and skin it, sick as that is, its nessecity, IF you read up on it, the slightest marking or cuts to the skin make the pelt/fur unsellabale and its wasted, so stabbing, or whatever may render the animal worthless.

Now Get down of your fucking ivory pedistool and tell Blair to fuck off, get your american friends to impeach bush, and rather then buying bombs, to fuck another country and ABOLISH poverty, the war on Terror has cost roughly ONE HUNDRED BILLION POUNDS thats ?100,000,000,000,000 thats POVERTY ABOLISHED, so while your saying "its the man earninga living to stop himself and his family starving i blame, how about you blame Bush and Blair and whoever came before them, for spending the money on WAR.

Now i donate to IFAW, WWF and PDSA so dont give me shit, but man has to live and Dumb Fucks in this country who blame it on people wearing fur SOLELY, well IF the Western World didnt cripple countrys with massive debts which they helped them accrue, and spent money on helping a countries rather than blowing one up, it would be needed.

Tell ya what, how about you Phone your telephone banking up, and ask them where they living, il bet ya it aint a western country, or phone your telephone banking and ask where they are, or your mobile phone operator, or IT support, now ask them how much they earn, my mates a big wig with a mobile company. and he tells me their customer support clear ?30 a week, THIRTY QUID A WEEK!

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?
Sheik Yerbouti
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Sheik Yerbouti »

This is the problem its never the poor bastards fault he's only earning a crust well im afraid it is is fault and the sick bastards should be put up against a wall and shot and i would save a few bullets for the evil cows who wear fur.
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Cenobitez »

I blame the goverments and the people who wear them.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by nachovx »

It's a cruel world ... and 2006 isn't going to be any better. Things are the way they are and as an individual you can't change them. We're all stuck in the global machine - and short of winning the lotters, there's only one way out.
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Cenobitez »

It depends how smart you are, and how skilled you if you can make the change :) i think a swift bullet to the head of blair, bush and anyone other supports of corperate rape would change the landscape, i mean the message would be


It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by DavidS »

I agree with you, chunky and the others who have chosen not to open this site. Extreme animal abuse is very upsetting and has no place in 21st century society.
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Tricky »

So shoot a puppet of government to try and solve issues of murder?????

Anyone else see the hypocrisy?