Sick Barbaric Bastards

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Cornish Chris
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Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Cornish Chris »

I have seen some shocking stuff on the internet, but I can honestly say this is the most hoffific I have ever witnessed.
I don't mind admitting the skinning scene made me cry, the look in the poor animals eye just about sums up my contempt for us "civilised humans".

Im not a wishy washy type person but how anybody can condone buying fur after watching this is beyond me.

Saddened at the human race.


Cornish Chris
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Cornish Chris »

Apologies please move to O/T forum.

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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by WigBilly »

Just happened to watch an item on 'Newsnight' some years back which secretly filmed a dog being skinned alive where it stood, supposedly to preserve the quality of it's fur, and those appalling images of animal cruelty have stayed with me ever since.

For this reason, I won't be clicking on the above you really NEED to see this stuff?
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by eduardo »

I saw something years back where a cat was being skinned (or de-furred) for use in a restaurant somewhere in China. It was placed in a pot of boiling water (alive) so as the fur (or skin) would come off more easily.

The poor things were often still alive after all this. It was bloody horrible to watch so like WigBilly I won't be viewing the clip.
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by chunky »

Er yeah, sorry but I'm with the other we really need to see this...(though part of me in some ways feels that in not doing so we're somehow trying to block the fact that it DOES happen)

Keep smiling
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by davewells »

Wow sick muffas or what ! The people that buy these things should be treated the same way.
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by nachovx »

Not particularly nice ... but no better than the practices of KF-Cruelty or the burger chains. You can't blame the Chinese citizens involved in the practice, to them it's no different to the Victorians sending children up the chimney or the Deep South thinking slavery was ok. They have a 19th Century mentality in a 21st Century world and are stuck in the cogs of the system in about the same way Afghan poppy growers fuel the drugs trade - they don't get rich off it, it's just a job, and without the job they'd starve. Those making the money are not those doing the killing. The solution will come as China modernises, not out of any boycotts.
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by fudgeflaps »

I've not watched the clip- I'm not squeamish- but I think it would be too much of a psychological mindfuck; too disturbing......

.....and I've seen some sights in my job, believe me.

I am with you, the human race has a terrible, callous, evil twisted side to it and we acknowledge this to the extent that we are almost guilty of empathising more with the suffering of animals than that of our fellow people.

But tyrannical, maniacal, depraved, incomprensible, REPREHENSIBLE, torture bestowed on any living creature is beyond me. Mankind- top of the food chain and ruler of the planet- capable of insane evils.


This all goes without saying, so why did I bother posting...........?

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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by Cenobitez »

Just out of curiosity, anyone wearng leather shoes ? leather wallet ? breifcase ? NIIIIICE you seen how they get that ?

Like your women wearing lipstick ? some of it is blubba and it aint nice how a 50kg man with an ice pick kills a 300kb animal to get that product.

Like eggs ? you seen the shoe boxes battery hens are kept in ?

Like milk?

Did you know that 5% of the milk in a bottle is BLOOD where the cow was milked until their teats bled, NIIIICE aint it.

Its a cruel world and humanity will pay the price for it.

It is said that both love and truth walk hand in hand. But if the need is great enough, can we learn to love a lie?
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Re: Sick Barbaric Bastards

Post by diplodocus »

yup, I have leather shoes, and eat meat etc

and yes i've seen how it all happens, i've been inside most of the big abattoirs in england (cows,pigs,sheep, chickens etc) as part of my job as well as tannery's, rendering plants et al

I have no problem with it at all, we need it to live

the difference is when we start to kill out of vanity, such as the fur trade, killing purely cos it looks nice, totally wrong, I don't need to watch the film the know that and i'd hope most right minded people can understand that

but I don't wear lipstick, can't comment on that!

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