Death Penalty

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Bob Singleton
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Bob Singleton »

wizzzzzuk wrote:


Only when the police stop being racist, aggressive and violent will they get my sympathy.


The inherent racism within the police force is the main reason why identity cards should NEVER be introduced in this country. They harass non-whites enough as it is without having even more excuses to ask them to pove they are legaly entitled to walk the streets!

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Sarah »

Bob Singleton wrote:

> Firstly I'm against the death penalty per se. No one, not even
> the state, has the right to take the life of another human
> being. To kill someone as some form of "punishment" isn't a
> punishment but an act of retaliation and vegeance.
> However, what sickens me most about this latest call for the
> re-introduction of the death penalty is that it should ONLY be
> applied to people who kill policemen and women.
> Why? Are they more worthy than doctors or road sweepers or
> anyone else who makes up society? That's certainly the message
> that's coming through to me... I am only of value to society if
> I am a policeman.

Bob, i agree with the latter part of your post. It angers me to think that the issue has only been raised due to the murder of a policewoman when there are people like Ian Huntley sitting in a prison with a gymnasium, Sky TV and 3 meaks a day.

However, unlike you, I am in favour of the death penatly because I belive that whether you call it retaliation, vengeance or punishment, if you conciously decide to take a life, you only have the right to take your own and thus deserve to receive the exact treatment you decide to dish out on others.

Sarah x
Bob Singleton
Posts: 1975
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Bob Singleton »

Sarah wrote:

[SNIP] only have the right to take your own...


So in that case you *do* agree with me that no-one, not even the state, has the right to take someone else's life!!

Whatever someone has done NO-ONE has the right to take their life. Just as the murderer had no right to take his/her victim's life, so the state has no right taking the murderer's life.

Two wrongs don't make a right!

The death penalty is murder condoned and legalised by the state... nothing more, nothing less, and as such is as hineous a crime as that carried out by the person to be executed.

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Sarah »

Point taken and well made. I guess I let myself down there with my choice of words.

However, im afraid im not convinced.

As far as im concerned, the likes of the person whose name I wont do honour of mentioning twice in one day, should burn in hell - if not literally, then as near to, as possible - and suffer the end of his/her own life, thereby depriving him/her of even one ounce of any possible enjoyment / happiness / love, as they have deprived their victim.
If thats revenge, sobeit.

Just my views.

Sarah x
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by steve56 »

my dad always wanted it brought back during the IRA killings re the 70s etc.
Bob Singleton
Posts: 1975
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Death Penalty

Post by Bob Singleton »

steve56 wrote:

my dad always wanted it brought back during the IRA killings re the 70s etc.


Well thank God he didn't get his way, then, as there would be at least 11 innocent Irishmen who would have been murdered by the state just to make the rest of us (I use "us" in the loosest possible sense) feel better!

The Bible talks of "an eye for an eye" and capital punishment is no more than that. However, even wiser than the Bible is the person who said "An eye for an eye only leads to more blindness!"

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
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Re: Eye for an Eye

Post by Pervert »

In fairness, the eye for eye reference in the Bible comes from the Old Testament, which is filled with lots of lovely punishments for "crimes"---no doubt the Daily Mail would love to see those punishments back. It's noticeable how often so-called Christians cite "eye for an eye" in their arguments, whether war-related or on crime and punishment. It's much more virile than the hippie-style stuff that Jesus comes out with in the New Testament. Yet, if it's JC they are followers of, they should be quoting him, and not some rabid OT patriarch.

Worth noting also that the Old Testament is part of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by colin »

totally agree carac. the one thing i do agree with from america is "life without parole" means just that.

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Re: Death Penalty

Post by mart »

Thanks for that one Bob. A new one for me but I'll certainly remember it.
