Ripper Hoax

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Re: Ripper Hoax

Post by Pervert »

Since they are never going to solve all the serious crimes still on their books, the great milk bottle thief can sleep easy in his bed. However, some lowlife, pathetic, cowardly, raping piece of shite can be sure that if his DNA was recovered, he'll be caught eventually.

The police don't get everything right---the shooting of Mr De Menezes proves that. Sometimes they are so keen for a conviction that they'll bend the rules. Advances in science are such that they won't get away with that for long. On the whole, they do the best job they can in difficult circumstances, and it's a job I wouldn't want to do.

By the way, is this the latest aspect of Americana to invade these shores---the general distrust of authority? Many US citizens don't trust their government or its various departments, and that's one reason why they stay armed to the teeth---because they think they'll be carted away in the near future. This paranoia isn't healthy.
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Re: Ripper Hoax

Post by Dorrin »

As we get most of our police knowledge off the TV we do not know how difficult it must have been with cases like this. In CSI they move in in bulk, find a tiny piece of peanut or whatever and have their man within the hour. Looking back on the Ripper, computers were still new and the records of the thousands of men interviewed were all on paper and to be handled manually. Piece on the programme when all the records had to moved from the investigation room to the basement as the floor was in danger of collapsing. The photofits of suspects were all different and as well as the hoaxer there were 100's of other leads that all had to be followed up, the amount resulting in not enough time available to be done properly. In the end it was pot luck he was picked up when he was, if they were luckier it would have happened several murders earlier but it could have happened a lot later.
With advances in forensics, dna etc this kind of serial crime is now easier to detect, at the time and earlier it must have been a nightmare.
There is certainly a case for everyone to have their prints and dna on record, if you've nothing to hide no problem but as we've seen with the uproar about id cards it won't happen in my lifetime.
Rude Boy
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Re: Ripper Hoax

Post by Rude Boy »

The Police have a shit job, one of my best mates is a copper and I get to hear about all the bullshit they have to deal with these days. They are incredibly bogged down with all this political correctness bollocks and I wonder what genius came up with the idea of the cops having to meet targets....this is an extremely stupid concept which probably leads to them persecuting motorists as they are such easy targets. This reign of terror on the roads only serves to piss off and alienate even more people.
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Re: Ripper Hoax

Post by Pervert »

"I wonder what genius came up with the idea of the cops having to meet targets"

As if you need to ask---it has politics written all over it.
The Worlds Biggest Collector Of Ben Dover DVD`s
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Officer Dibble
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Re: Ripper Hoax

Post by Officer Dibble »

?They are incredibly bogged down with all this political correctness bollocks?

Yeah, political correctness - it's all bollocks. All ordinary cops are complaining about it. Here's a little snippet from PC ?David Copperfield's? blog (he?s an ordinary copper trying to deal with the scumbags and wasters of society with his hands tied behind his back). Here he recounts an agreeable morning out in the countryside ? away from his usual patch on the Chavfield?sorry, Churchfield Estate.

?Welcome break yesterday: driving in the countryside conducting enquiries beyond Newtown?s city limits, amongst the farmers. I must have spent half an hour longer than I needed to at each location, drinking coffee with the morning sunshine flooding into the kitchen. No televisions had to be turned off, the houses were pleasantly warm and not uncomfortably so, I was greeted by men who were not wearing tracksuits and women without tattoos.?

There much more here -

Officer Dibble

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Re: Ripper Hoax

Post by mart »

Pandering to the Daily Mail readers. How much of it is true?
Still, it makes you happy.

King Pin
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Re: Ripper Hoax

Post by King Pin »

Im just thinking if the police were so certain that this sicko was the ripper then had they caught him he would of had to do some convincing to them that it was a hoax