'The sex slave trade' a question.

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Deuce Bigolo
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Re: 'The sex slave trade' a question.

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Its a MASSIVE worldwide problem

Rough estimates depending on who you believe put the figure up as high as 12 & a half million people each year being in some form of slavery where deception/promises of a better life were used to entice them to a foreign country where they become trapped like flies in a spiders web via unrepayable debts or threats of deportation etc

Why it sounds like a noble thing for punters to turn in a brothel where they suspect illegal immigrants are working it wouldn't even make a dent in the problem

Criminals get caught another will be along to replace him

While extreme poverty exists there will always be those willing to take a punt.When you have nothing the only way is up

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Re: 'The sex slave trade' a question.

Post by mart »

Come on Deuce, you can do better than that. You are verging on the Nuremberg defence.
If I see someone doing something illegal, and I mean seriously illegal, I'll dob them in. OK there'll be another drug dealer or whatever along, but thats no excuse not to take action.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: 'The sex slave trade' a question.

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

If you read my post mart i didn't say,do nothing

What I said was,if you did report it and a successful raid ensued it would make very little difference to the overall problem

Government sare very big on border controls but what abou those that over stay their 6 month visa and just disappear for years on end.We all know where they end up,working illegally for cash in a variety of jobs with no protection so off course exploitation will occur

As Nachovx said above 12 of the girls were here with the right to stay so and 7 were in doubt so as a Punter how exactly would you tell the difference?

Lets not kid ourselves that if a Punter rang up the Police and passed on the info that they would have the resources to follow it in a timely manner

Border Control/Immigration are massively under resourced compared to the size of the problem that exists

The number of people who just over stay their Visas points out how under resourced the section really is.I know of an English Couple who have just received their deportation order after almost 20 years in Australia on a 6 month visa.The 2 kids they had here are eligible to stay but not them

Its a farce

All the authorities are truly interested in is making sure their getting their cut of the pie in taxation and nothing else.The occasional raid & bust is sadly just lip service to appease the human right lobbyist groups IMHO

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Re: 'The sex slave trade' a question.

Post by mart »

Sorry Deuce but a hasty reading did give me the wrong message.

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Re: 'The sex slave trade' a question.

Post by JayK »

This is an interesting thread. As some of you know I run a site about punters and punting, so I do have some experience of this issue. Over the years I have seen posts and information on all the various punting forums that suggests many punters ARE concerned about foreign girls at risk in the business. I have also seen posts seeking advice on what to do when they have visited a girl they felt was being forced to work. They are usually advised to call Crimestoppers.

Many coerced girls are undetectable - if they deliver a reluctant service to clients such that the guys complain, they are punished, so they will just go along with it and put on a brave face.

Thousands of foreign girls deliberately come to do sex work in the UK. And the UK is also a destination for the traffickers. In parlours and flats all around the country it is not easy to tell which is which on a cursory visit.

While filming for my site I have found out about several parlours and I know that the police visit them on a regular basis to check what's going on. These days they are interested in two things - illegal immigrants and underage girls. Each police authority has its own policies and priorities but I believe this is widespread practise.

The problem with parlours is cheap sex is being offered, so it can be a quick in and out "knocking shop" sort of experience. In this environment, it is often hard to tell what the girl is thinking, especially if she is foreign and speaks limited English. But even English girls in a parlour situation can give little away. The sex can feel like a production line, the girl will have a routine and if you are feeling horny it can all be over very quickly.

Many of the punters I know will only visit independent escorts, as the experience is so much better. The girls are controlling their own operation, doing it out of choice, often see only one client a day, and it is a more intimate girlfriend experience. Of course we pay a premium for this service, and I do realise many other guys will only visit parlours because they don't want to pay very much for sex.

As a final note, those wishing to help in the fight against the traffickers could donate to the Poppy Project. A very worthy cause.
DJ Shagpile
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Re: 'The sex slave trade' a question.

Post by DJ Shagpile »

Glad to report that the Birmingham 19 story is not looking as bad as the original spin- as some contributors suggested might be the case. A particular thank you to JayK for that positive link.
As I mentioned at the top those channel 4 films were harrowing stuff putting the human story to those massive stats.
Well done to them for once.

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Re: 'The sex slave trade' a question.

Post by nachovx »

Don't forget Sex Slavery can be a two way street:

DJ Shagpile
Posts: 14
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Re: 'The sex slave trade' a question.

Post by DJ Shagpile »

that's more like it
