Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

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Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by Guilbert »

Go to this web site and then tell me why immigration is a good thing.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Depends what you mean by immigration?

The benefit that skilled migration brings to any country can't be under estimated especially given the current levels of skills shortages worldwide

Asylum Seekers on the other hand are an unknown quantity

Given that many of these illegals go through numerous other countries before arriving at the big 3 UK,USA & Australia you've got to wonder why we don't send them back to a country that borders theirs

I believeinternational law says when fleeing persecution the nearest country that you enter is where you should apply for asylum

It makes a folly of those who apply for immigration and wait patiently to be accepted

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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by superior »

I can see your point and understand your frustration but whats to say that most if not all of those people are not British citizens who have been born here and maybe even their parents and grandparents were born here too?

I think, however, that no matter how racially incorrect it may be there seems to be a very large number of non Caucasian criminals in this country especially when it comes to crimes like drugs and anything to do with guns - I remember a few years back one of the Mets commissioners got slated for stating something along the lines of the reason so many stop and searches in London are on young black males is because the statistics show that the majority of crime in those areas is committed by that society group.

Assuming the numbers were right I dont see what was wrong with his comment - personally speaking I have a lot of coloured and Asian mates so Im not stereotyping but even they will admit that a huge number of young people from those segments of society are involved in "serious" crime and it definately seems disproportionate to the number of people in that race / age group in society.
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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by RetroDon »

We are "supposed" to feel that this is just an unhappy coincidence and that those poor people are just victims of opression in a society that has failed them.
But then we all know that is just not the case and a disproportionate amount of blacks, asians and other immigrants are involved in serious crime.
That is not racism, that is fact.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

If thats the case the Retrodon what exactly is an acceptable proportion,same as the Locals?

Lets be honest,every Race has an underworld criminal culture which exploit those stuck in the poverty trap at the bottom of society

Poverty & Crime go hand in hand like a glove

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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by randyandy »

Deuce Bigolo wrote:

Poverty & Crime go hand in hand like a glove

Remove the word poverty and turn the phrase Scum and Crime go hand in hand like a glove and I'd agree with you Deuce.

Simply being poor is no excuse for being a criminal, if there ever could be an excuse for being one.


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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by mart »

So are you saying "black" people are more likely to be criminals? Its in their genes?

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Scum-REAL SCUM are the rich pricks that escape the full wrath of the law by using others to do the crimes for them

While being poor might not be an excuse for committing a crime you should never underestimate how desperate/stupid a person gets when their sole focus is on just surviving day to day,week to week.

The biggest mistake society keeps making is setting up whole districts/suburbs/burroughs of people on welfare together

Big name Aussie Singer Jimmy Barnes of Cold Chisel fame said it all when asked about where he grew up in Elizabeth,Adelaide

JIMMY BARNES: Elizabeth is a satellite city outside of Adelaide where they just stick all the immigrants. And like I said, it was a great place when you were young, getting there, football fields everywhere, but actually as soon as you get to around 13 or 14, it gets pretty rugged, you know? There's lots of gangs, lots of street fights - like a lot of working-class places, hasn't got a lot for kids to do. So we could really get ourselves in a lot of trouble. And I was starting to get myself in a lot of trouble. And I joined Cold Chisel, and REALLY got myself into a lot of trouble. And it was official!

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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by RetroDon »

No Marty, I don't for one second think it's in their genes.
Unfortunately it's heavily immersed in a side of their culture, a side many choose to embrace, and yes, it appears to be that to a certain type of "nigga" (for that it how they like to think of themselves, "street niggaz") serious crime is an attractive alternative to low-paid, unglamorous jobs they would otherwise be chasing.

It kind of feels rather demeaning to be sat here discussing "them" like a bunch of fence-sitting politicians, but in many cases the culture they willingly embrace ghetto-ises them without anybody elses help and that has to do with a lot of serious West Indian and African criminals affiliating "black" areas in order to recruit as it does many disaffected black young men trying to emmulate the violence and crime the likes of 50 Cent, The Game and other more underground hip hop acts promote (and this style of "gangsta rap" has been prevelant in the genre for over 16 years now, since the success of NWA).

As for our friends who seek asylum here from their native east european or middle-eastern countries, often they bring their own desperate past and topsy-turvy values with them - violent tendencies to their different "tribes", and a high level of contempt for women. Of course, I am not tarring every black man a violent gun-runner nor am I saying every Kosovan is a rapist, but the West Midlands police "wanted" list is a good indicator of what is going on, and what the people who live amongst it think.

one eyed jack
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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Post by one eyed jack »

LOL! I really like people like you Guilbert. If we were going to get really low, show the pederasts/ sex offenders register and serial killers you'll find they are probably middle aged white men!

I don't think this is a great case for immigration at all. People like you reap what they sow. Your forefathers (assuming they were british) brought ethnic people here through slavery and more came off the banana boat in the 60's to do the jobs lazy white folk wouldnt do.

So there are a bunch of ethnics who are criminals? So there are no white criminals???? People like you like to use this as an example to highlight that blacks/ ethnics are criminals by nature. lets not forget the majority of proud god fearing nigras who are seventh day adventists that make up a community too.

Take a look at the broad spectrum before you try to incite your racist opinions here and don't use a line up of 20 ethnics to make your point!
