The BGAFD "Community"

A place to socialise and share opinions with other members of the BGAFD Community.
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Cenobitez »

I think its a case, if you want it back, TAKE IT BACK, dont sit here and piss and whinge about it :)

As above is a guy/gal is a knob, dont play ball with them, just pass it on by and reclaim the forum :)

An insurrection of sorts :)
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Ned »

Having said that, if all I was trying to do was provide people with good porn and I was getting slaughtered for it, I'd be fucking well pissed off. Especially if I was a performer getting personal abuse.

I don't read too much of that kind of thing on here, so maybe I'm just lucky.

As for the racism recently, I made my own ill-judged post on that subject after the bombings and regretted it afterwards. It wasn't that bad I didn't think, but on reflection it wasn't really the time or place for such a post.
one eyed jack
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by one eyed jack »

It takes a real man to admit he made a mistake Ned. After all, it is human to er....
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

You'll get no arguments from me that it is one of the main reasons for their no show

I think you'll find its not just industry insiders that have found other forums where they feel happier

Negativity in what ever form is a turnoff imho

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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by PKAY »

I very rarely post on the OT forum but thought I would today.

I certainly agree with the poster who talks about reclaiming your forum, stop feeding the trolls.On the other hand I am seeing a similar tone of post on all sorts of forums of late and, much as I disagree with the sentiment in certain posts, you have to acknowledge that this a societal problem not a bgafd OT problem. People are unhappy and that needs to be addressed.

It scares me, I think strength of public opinion is gonna give us quite an unliberal society in the next 10 years.

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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Pervert »

I fear you may be right about society. It's certainly looking that way.

The advice from people not to feed the trolls is good; it's not always easy, but it's the best way to deal with them.
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by lovemunkey187 »

Had a beer or two but here's my tuppenceworth while I can be bothered.

Lex Luger wrote:

> I blame myself.


I blame you too ?? )

I used to post and lurk on here regularily but most of the forumites that made this a good place don't seem to be around as much now as they were some 6 or 7 years ago when I first started visiting.

Arnie, Mart, S56, Carac and Buttsie-sorry Deuce seem to have posted most times I have a lurk around but not some of the other "faces" that were helpful/sarcastic in equal measure such as Officer Dibble, Lizard, Holden MacGroyn, Bayleaf, Ace, mutanthalibut, jj, IdolDroog, Mex or have I just missed the posts or their name changes?. Even Megaton and BlueTit seem to have slowed from the fantastic posts that they must have spent hours finding and which I don't think I appreciated and thanked themas much as I should've/could've for their time and effort.


watchmankb wrote:

> I agree totally, a want a discustion not a grammer lesson or a
> fight.

That's a fair point mate but is it really that difficult to just take an extra 30 seconds just to check and make sure that it is written in a way as to make it legible to the other readers? I appreciate that not everyone who posts on these boards are going to have English as their first language, have not had a university education or for whatever other explanation, but a well written piece is going to a least make the reader think about it and not dismiss it off hand. I know if I can't decipher what the jist is then I skip past their posts.

We got both kindsa music here. We got Country and Western
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

A lot have possibly gone awol for good and others posting far less than they used to(boredom,lifestyle change etc)but thats always been the case

A simple search under author will tell you who's abandoned ship ;-)

As for changing their names anything is possible but I would think the likes of those you have mentioned would be easily recognisable under any disguise

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Post by Marino »

Thank you Deuce for the words. I have always suported the BGAFD and not always agreed with it. I have learnt alot from it. I have also made the odd chum or two. It has been an excellent resource site for me.

I have enjoyed the banter. Of course it hurts when people do not like your work, And yes it does hurt a little more than getting a bollocking at a more normal occupation, Due to the fact we have sex for a living, so it gets a little personal.

I find there have been many producers shot down in flames sometimes for no reason, other than a damm good flogging. Yes we should be thick skinned about it, but we are only human.

Many of you out there know what a tough time nearly everyone is having in the porn industry, some of us have invested everything to follow our dream, Yet with law changes and porn at saturation it is the toughest I known it. We are still here doing our best under an ever changing industry.

For example I have had wonderful success with the Road Trip series, I have tried to keep it simple fun and dirty. Yet it is also a business so I have budgets and deadlines to meet, like any business, then somewhere in that mess we have to try to distibute our product in a very tough market. I must say that I have had brilliant support from the U.K shops and they have done their best to support me. However it has still lost me around ?50k, why still continue? Becuase it is my career and this year may be bad next year may be worse, but for those of us in it for the long haul, we hope to come through with a better standard of living.

Yes I aspire to get to the position of Ben Dover he has a wonderful lifestyle. But he does work very hard for that.

It has taken me six years to build a library of nearly forty films, Of which I have only just realeased around sixteen so far. I have hopefully taken the right precautions so that my business survives any fluctuations in the market and the spanking tomato name can reach new levels of production.

Most of us producers aim to give the best we can and many of us that post here discuss amoungst ourselves, points that the public have made on the forums, and yes sometimes we take heed.

I will continue posting here. I have always tried to give an honest account of the industry from my eyes, and yes I miss alot of stuff that goes on, but thats just another reason for being in forums like these, as what I miss I often pick up from reading different threads.

Anyway I have ranted enough. Keep posting. Please try to stay positvie towards your fellow countrymen, If there weren't a few of us fools here still producing, then the Yanks would just march all over us.

And remember! Many risked and lost their liberty so you guys could wank to the likes of Lynda Leigh getting fucked up the arse.......

Deuce Bigolo
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Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Thats OK...took me 5 days to figure out you were responding to my posted comments well below 8.9.05...memory like sponge ;-)

I think the most important thing is keeping negative/positive comments in perspective.Both are just an individuals view which carries no more weight than that.The fact that the internet has that veil of anonymity will always mean those that wish to sully the waters for what ever reasons will be free to do so

The best example of this double standard is the people that piss and moan about the shortcomings don't seem to be the ones that send in reviews.You've got to ask the question-did they really watch it or did they just fast forward through it-big difference IMHO

As a few have said before the dissenting voices on this forum aren't in the majority if you take into consideration all the porn users out there especially those not on the net

It would be a sad day indeed if all Porn look sanitised like so many high end value yank productions do.

As OEJ said awhile back,Sex is sex in what ever genre it is filmed

The biggest difference that I can see in Brit Porn is the Girls
Wether you find them attractive is neither here nor there IMHO
because who I like someone else most likely won't
They do seem to be poppin up for all & sundry which I guess is that killer saturation at work

If saturation is a killer then Exclusivity has to be worth its weight in gold which is what Ben Dover & a few lucky others had in spades back in the beginning

Heres hoping the market improves SOON
