Terrorism in the USA

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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Richas »

"If Osama can misinterpret the Qu'ran it only seems fair that our radical element should do the same with the bible"

I often wonder if those who claim Osama is ' misinterpretating the Koran have actually read it? I have, and his interpretation seems a lot more honest than many so called 'moderate' muslims. After all did not Muhammed himself lead an army that conquered half the world at the point of a sword in 50 years during his lifteime and immediately after his death? Hardly the religion 'of peace' we are constantly told about....theres a saying round my way which is much more appropriate 'actions speak louder than words'!
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

All religious works are open to interpretation which essentially means there is no RIGHT WAY to live but Osama lost me when he started targetting unarmed civilians.I've never read the Qu'ran but something tells me this is not listed as something thats OK under any circumstance

I've said it many times,there is nothing wrong with Religion just those that interpret it

An interesting Islamic site which is being plugged on an Australian Community TV at present,pulls no punches especially this little piece

Is there a gap between Islamic principles and the practice of Muslims?

Unfortunately, many Muslims are unaware or ignorant about true Islamic teachings, due to a lack of education. Such Muslims practice a distorted Islam, which has been contaminated by their cultural traditions, which have no Islamic basis. This impure Islam is not based on any authentic Islamic sources, the Quran or the recorded teachings and practices of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. One should therefore judge a religion by its teachings and not by people who claim to be its followers. The issue of feminism in Islam is meaningless. The coming of Islam has brightened the life and future of women, in which Islam has lifted up their level to the same level as men. Islam upholds women to the highest and most respected position. Islam has also protected women from being mere objects to satisfy the desires of men. The Quran describes women as a symbol of beauty, justice and love. Muslim women have also been acknowledged for their important role in the establishment of the Islamic community.

Red Triangle
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Red Triangle »

The Christian right has been involved in a lot of terrorism in the US - just ask their victims - the doctors and nurses involved in clinics that used to perform abortions.

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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Richas »

"All religious works are open to interpretation which essentially means there is no RIGHT WAY to live but Osama lost me when he started targetting unarmed civilians.I've never read the Qu'ran but something tells me this is not listed as something thats OK under any circumstance"

I'd disagree. In the Koran theres no concept of civilians and non civilians, the world is in fact clearly cut between two people believers and non believers those who accept and submit 100% to the will of god (Islam means 'submission' and 'muslim' one who submits) and those who don't heathens' who are referred to 'Dar al hab', those who live within the house of war, rather than the house of peace which muslims live in. I often here this idea the Koran preaches peace and tolerence, I personally can;t find where. Theres lots on humanity and peacefulness but this all referes to other muslims only. Theres no tolerence for non believeres, Muslims are told clearly to fight them in verses such as this:

009.029 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day

004.101 the Unbelievers are unto you open enemies.

008.067 It is not fitting for a prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he hath thoroughly subdued the land. 047.004 Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers in fight, [jihad] smite at their necks. [Behead them!]

009.029 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are of the People of the Book,(Jews and christians) until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Why are the non-Muslim leaders allowing it to have free reign? It ORIGINATES from the Koran - NOT al-Qaida [and yet the leaders of this world REFUSE to confront it]
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Richas »

Of course further to that it must be accepted christianities much the same..there are verses in the bible telling us to cut off hands for theft, stone gayd and adulteres to death etc. So Im not trying to demonise muslims. But I do think people need to confront the problem maybe isnt mis interpretation of religious textx..but in fact accurate interpretation of textxs, which less face it are hoplessly out of date and conflict with modern ideals.
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by steve56 »

onward christian soldiers ?
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by nachovx »

Here's an avatar (not mine) that caused some controversy on another board ... is it offensive? ... and if so, then who to - victims, Muslims, potential victims, PC'ers. After a shock period there are always jokes about any tragedy, there were lots over 911 and the Tsunami, so why should the London events be any different in reality.

[img]http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/9797/a ... 7516yb.jpg[/img]
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

As we have seen,many believers interpret those quotes in a myriad of different ways

All the justified killing of non-believers would seem to be mainly in reference to the wartime/crusades,the way I read them.Funny thing is many religions lived side by side in Jerusalem(so I've read)before the Crusades began so the quotes don't ring true in relation to peacetime

Like you say,OUTDATED for today unless we're about to have a world jihad in every corner of the globe.Don't like the Muslims chances against the Chinese ;-)

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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Richas »

Remember the muslims blowing up millenia old ancient relics in Afghanistan in 1998? They are fighting China in Kashmir right now too. See thats the problem, wherever theres muslims theres wars bloodshed and death, India, middle east North Africa, Indonesia. Nothing new, they swept out of Arabia in 6th century conquering at point of sword. Millions of temples razed to the ground and destroyed in India, hundreds of thousands beheaded and slaughtered. Two of the sikhs ten gurus had their heads cut off by Muslims. This is why hindus and sikhs traditionally and still today have extremem tension with muslims. This is just the point I'm making I suppose, Islam has always been mired in violence, Muhammed was a military leader of an army himself. We are given all this guff that muslims are peaceful and just want to be left alone, but it's rubbish the evidence is there...actions speak louder than words. Muslims need to look at themselves there own religion and their traditional lack of tolerence to any one else, instead of blaming it all on a bunh of extremists and wesatern persecution...something thats blatantly false. The real problem is where Christianity was able to progress out of the dark and middle ages and we have dropped parts of the bible such as cutting off hands we dont like, I cant see how muslims can do that and modernise. The koran is the 'unchangeable for all time and perfect word of allah' and anyone who questions it an unbeliever guilty of heresy. One of my own muslim freinds (yes i do have them!)...told me even reading non arabic versions of the koran was a mortal sin and those doing so would be struck blind in punishment, and hes fairly moderate, drinks alcohol and smokes.