Major Explosion on the underground

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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Richas »

They certainly made a mistake training Bin Laden, but it was a different time Cold War politics and Russia seemed a greater threat then Islamic terrorism...which considering it was a hostile nuclear power quite right. I'm sure the U.S.A had no comprehension just what monster they were building for the future, it has proved to be a cock up on a mjor scale,fair enough, but don't see why that means we in the west have to sit and be bombed and killed by them without retaliating or attemting to stop them.
Brit Fan
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Brit Fan »

We'll be targets for these terrorists as long as we follow the US into every ill conceived confrontation. The sooner we stand up for ourselves and take a positive stance we'll be in the firing line.

By a positive stance I don't mean cutting all ties with the US just not following them blindly. Oh, they'll scream and shout but I've a feeling that given the current status of Iraq and their economy etc. that they need our support just as much as we think we need theirs.

It's time to stand up and not let these recent deaths and all those previous to last Thursday be in vain!
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by woodgnome »

Brit Fan wrote:

> dry. It's not the main reason why he hates the US so much but
> I'm guessing it didn't help!

bin laden's main justification for 9/11, at least as i understand it, has been the ongoing presence of infidels (i.e. american troops) in the holy lands of saudi arabia:
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Deano! »

Shiola wrote:

> Yes it's funny that when you see a story in our media about
> China, particularly from the BBC, it's usually a 1950s style
> thumbs-up, aren't we doing well all driving Mercedes report.

Yes. I've worked in Shanghai hospitals a few times on a project concerning robotic surgery. Before I went, my Chinese boss was telling me how much better his country was than mine ( Australia ) and that I'd be in for a shock when I got there.

I was in for a shock alright ! The air stank with pollution. 99.9% of everyone lived in gastly little getto style flats about 29 floors up. Nobody ever smiles. Everyone walks around like fucking robots. The centre of Shanghai is very modern and is total capitalism gone mad - " if it makes money do it " seems to be the motto. But walk a few miles out from the city centre and the standards plummet as you find everything looks like dirty unpainted concrete for miles everywhere. The Chinese have a distinct class system based on country people verses city people. People from the country are shit. People from the city are the only ones worth worrying about. Hence - country children can work in factories and no one gives a toss.

I saw a few huge Mercedes cars being driven around in the centre of the city but the vast majority still ride bikes. Most of their cars are very 1980's style looking things.

Their hospitals were appalling. The toilets had no paper and no soap but people were still using them !!!

I could go on and on about what I saw there but lets just say that their government is still very strict. I tried to log on to an Aussie news service to see what was happening back home and they even blocked that ! When I got back to Perth I damn near kissed the ground. And wicked western girls ( and I include westernised Asian chicks here ) leave the communist approved ones for dead. Our girls have bums. Theirs dont.

Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Richas »

Thats right Woodgnome it's basically what I was saying about it being an internal conflict within Islam. After all in the west we used to live much the same as they have been in Islamic countries until recently completely under control of the state which in turn was at control of religion, state and the church being one and the same. It was only comparatively recently we broke out from under this, by splitting from the pope, and then from power being conferred away from the head of state (King or Queen) who is also head of the church, to democratically elected governments. In effect though this has meant we've become more secular, it's also bought personal freedoms or liberties which could never exist and never did exist under a state controlled reliogous system. The muslim countries are seeing this and the ordinary people want the same kind of freedoms we have, the right to choose whether you wish to live within the confines of a thousand year old religious docrtine or the right if you wish not to, without being imprisoned or worse still killed.

Of course that freedom to some spells decadence, sites like this, the sexual liberation of women, or exploitation depending on your viewpoint, and it's all very worrying and ungodly to the ultra religious. The likes of Bin Laden havea vested interest in siding with these people for their own power politics, democracy doesn't much favour extremists or despots. That said they are still in a very much numerical minority which is why they turn to terrorism.

Though it's easy to see the Saudi issue as 'American imperialism' I fear that's just our own fear coming out of our once mighty powers being eclipsed by our cousins across the ocean, which it has for quite some time. The Americans arn't in Saudi as an invading force they came they're with the full support of the Saudi government precisely because of the threat of dictators like Hussein . That's what Bin Laden is really saying Saudi is 'selling out' by moving towards the west, al beit slowly, in terms of liberalism and democracy wheras he'd prefer Islamic world stays in the middle ages and shuts out the west completely. This suites him as the least favoured bastard son of a millionaire, ridiculed by his legitimate siblings, his only real kudos came in his homeland Saudi when he put away the ferraris and champagne and started fighting the infidel in Afghanistan. Bin Laden is the saudi equivalent of the BNP, and his support base is the lunatic extremist fringe, precisely why theyve kicked him out and refuse to allow him back in.
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Richas »

"When I got back to Perth I damn near kissed the ground. And wicked western girls ( and I include westernised Asian chicks here ) leave the communist approved ones for dead. Our girls have bums"

Amen to that!
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Jayr »

Finally someone else who is actually talking sense.