Major Explosion on the underground

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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Pretty_Joe »

Hey Richas well put man. However 'insurgents' blow up iraq dailly and it is a hellhole anyway. The Daily Mail suggested that Britain will pull out by Christmas. I hope this is true. We need to stop giving these terrorists 'excuses' to perform their deeds. Going into Iraq was in no doubt a mistake, bombing a country into oblivian is an unsophistacated and primative.

The US pulled out of Vietnam why ca'nt the same be done for Iraq?
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Richas »

what a prick. sorry but you are. kid spoiling for a fight. Get a life.
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Richas »

Iraq's irrelevent. Al quaeda was formed in the early 90's delcared war on the west soon after and commited it's worse ever attrocity Septmeber 11th long before Iraq was even in the equasion. I accept the reasons for going into Iraq were dubious at best, but I don't see how withdrawing Iraq would do anything but abandon the very people we allegedly went there to make life better for. It would be immoral in my view. Plus it would also send a signal that despite being one of the worlds top powers we are so weak one terrorist attack is all thats needed to make us capitualte and do a u turn. Disasterous. The way to fight against terror is simple, carry on as was, refuse to be terrorised.
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by sandie »

Shiola wrote:

> I think you are FAR too unstable to have been in the Forces my
> friend..

did u grow up in an army town. do u even know what the forces consists of?
most of em cant even sign there nam on a dotted line. they chose to peele spuds as an upper optive.

stop ur bull shit!
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by sandie »

really is a good question.

i say no!
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by nachovx »

This country was hit more because it is an easy target. We haven't upped security or invested enough in it. This sort of attack would be much more difficult to carry out in the US these days - and other EU countries like France have a much tighter grip on Muslim extremists within their borders. Soft targets are basically UK, Italy, Netherlands and Denmark. It's as much a result of our private wealth and public poverty type of country as anything else, a failure of the system. No investment in rail/tube/buses for the last 30 years probably lead to more people dying than necessary in the deep tunnel by severely hampering recovery - the video surveillance on the bus wasn't working. An American journalist summed up London for me in an interview on BBC World ... he said when he came to London 6 years ago he thought he was coming to a modern world city .... but, it's filthy, nothing works how it should, trains and tube are expensive and virtually the whole system needs rebuilding. The only amazing thing is how we've come through this without more deaths, but the worrying thing is a second wave could follow, as it did in Istanbul ... and had the Spanish not cornered the Madrid bombers, they were planning to strike again. In Spain one of the reasons stated for the attacks (apart from Iraq) was the fact Spain had driven One Million Muslims/Other Minorities out of the country in 1493, so there is no way to bargain appease these people as they will just look for another reason to attack and go for the softest of what's available, unfortunately than is the UK.
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Richas »

America trained Bin Laden to take out Russia. So what? So just because we, the west, helped train them now they have turned on us web should surrender and let them kill us all......

The pricks killed 3 and a half thousand people on 9/11 and would gladly kill every one of uf given half the chance. Don't be naive. They hate us because of what we are and how we live (sites like this ESPECIALLY!) not what we've done to them.

If we desert America we deserve to fall simple as that. Peace isn't won through cowardice and never has been sadly, it's won by those brave enough to stand up to it, and fight for it.
Brit Fan
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Brit Fan »

America paid Bin Laden millions to fight against Russia in Afghanistan. Although his family are very wealthy, the US helped bolster his bank balance considerably. After funding him for years, as usual, they fucked off and left them high and dry. It's not the main reason why he hates the US so much but I'm guessing it didn't help!
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Richas »

If Londons such a soft touch how come it's taken the bombers four years to suceed, and I might add only after numerous attempts have been foiled? I personally fnd that reassuring, the I.R.A was able to strike much more regulalry and I certainly feared entering central London more then, then I ever do now.