Major Explosion on the underground

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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by steve56 »

yeah but if i recall rightly livingstone was all for talking to the IRA in the 80s?
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by TheProf »

My gripe is,some spotty youths with a mobile video phone photographing the dead and injured all because newspapers & TV companies are asking them to.As one broadcasting website said:never mind the quality,report the facts.

The pure amateur is now turned into the roving reporter all because he's in the right place,never mind the blood running down your face,well,because you don't need to hold the camera to the face,get your shots,and SEND them back.Ghoulish way of thinking.

Fancy being caught up in a thing like this and some spotty jerk bending over you with his camera phone saying Smile!

This is the ideal piece of machinery the media has been waiting for all these years-they cannot get the Professionals in because they are being held back by the police..the victims are now doing the work for them.

...and possibly a reward at the end of the rainbow on the backs of the dying.What is more sick...?
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by steve56 »

probaly wanting money out of it
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by TheProf »


They can buy an expensive video phone,but cannot pay the rent.
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by steve56 »

greed too.
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by TheProf »

A classic example is the picture in one of the nationals,not taken by phone,pictured by a photographic student,well lit,lovely composure taken minutes after the blast of the bus,showing people (that's still in one piece) standing on the top deck in a daze...and the driver walking away.

As a photographer myself,I'd be halfway down the bl..........street,not wanting to hang around for the next explosion and photographing soding buses.Money,you can keep it in situations like this..
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by Jayr »

I agree a speech that summed up everything that every Londoner has stated.

What gets my goat is those that use this situation in tyring to gain a strangle hold on the nation, be it via ID cards, curfews (why? Are we living under a dictatorship?) and the like.
People cryout we need this, we need that, tighter this, bigger that yet in all the years we had attacks by the IRA nothing like this was ever mentioned. For years the IRA terrorised this nation and we went about our daily lives now we have 1 attack by some one unknown and it's headless chicken time!

Come on people have some bloody sense!
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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by mart »

Didn't the Spanish government initially blame ETA (the Basque separatist movement) and get a mild bollocking from the UN for that?
I hope Shiola will have the good grace to apologise for attempting to mislead us about Aznar's departure.

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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Post by mart »

You are talking bollocks Shiola. Since we don't have the faintest idea who the bombers were, how can the introduction of ID cards help prevent future incidents?
If they were UK citizens...then what? If they were visitors....? Illegal immigrants with fake ID?
Seems to me your whole spiel on here has had the sole intention of justifying the introduction of a Police state.
