Trisha on TV
Trisha on TV
Hi All,
I was wondering if anybody was watching that chatshow 'Trisha' on TV today??
I featured Neil Down and Phil Mycock from Sunrise Films, Some Guy who appeared in one of their shoots, a blond haired girl who works with them(Anybody know who she is?), and then a 15 YEAR OLD girl who wanted to be a pole dancer/glamour model.
Now after the recent discussion here, and the wonderful speech that Wendy submitted, I watched with vested interest as to how Trish would portray the Porn Industry.
Once again, it seems that we have another classic example of a modern day 'Witch Hunt' against the British Porn Industry with Neil and Phil(or Wayne and Kenny as they were called....LOL!!), getting aslating. One woman stood up saying that she was exploited by a friend when she was younger, into doing some work although she never said what....and then launched into an attack on Phil and Neil saying that they were disgusting and should be ashamed of themselves. However she then went on to say she HAD had to subscribe to the channel to see what they had been doing...WHY??
If she was sooo disgusted with the whole thing, then why did she just not leave them to it, and to people who want to enjoy their sort of work??I mean I do not enjoy watching S&M or Bondage or that sort of thing, so I stay away from it all together, but in her case it seems that she is the type of person who would watch it in her home, but when asked ,she denounces it, kind of like St. Peter with Christ!!Hypocrite in Da' House!!
Then on came a 15 year old Scottish(We seem to breed healthy looking girls up here it seems!!)girl called Charlie who wanted to be a pole dancer/glamour model(She actually had a passing resemblance to Rebekah Jordan I think!!)
Now I agree with her dad on the show, in that at 15 she is too young, and that she should be concentrating more on her studies that getting her Tits out, because she had never seen any real life Pole Dancers, just a film when she was 13, and that made her mind up!!
I feel that if any kid had said that they had wanted to be 'whatever' after watching a film or to be a doctor after say watching episodes of ER then most people would say that if they felt they wanted to get into that field, then they should find out more about it, am I wrong??
But what did her Dad do??He started going on about how he didn't want to be the one Identifying her in morgue, and he didn't want her dead!!
Since when did did Pole Dancing=Death, I know that I've heard of comedian's 'Dying' on stage, but Pole Dancer??
I recently had some friend's who went a Club in Glasgow(The Truffle Club), and they said that there was more Stewards there than at a nightclub and they operated a 'no touch' policy at the club, so in all honestly I'm probably at more risk working in the Oil Industry than these Girls are!!
I don't disagree that there probably are seedy clubs out there, that will take advantage of young people, but the same can be said about any industry....take milk delivery boys or paperboys/girls, would anyone agree that they are given fair conditions to work in??
I think that in summing up, I just feel that people in Britain have judged the Pron Industry on the Extreme of cases that they here of in the news or that they see on TV, and that in a so called 'Open-Minded' society that we live in, we have a LONG way to go!!
Thanks Guys and Girls for reading this, and I'll be interested to here what Alec or anyone else has to say!!
And feel free to email me anyone!
Kris aka Hootsmon!!
P.S. Wayne and Kenny Hee, wonder they changed their names to get it on!!! ;o)
Re: Trisha on TV
Seems that while the censorship policy has relaxed recently there's still a great deal of public suspiscion. Don't think you could call it a witch hunt, since the regulators are currently quite relaxed about the likes of, *ahem* Wayne and Kenny and their wares.
Re: Trisha on TV
I would imagine that such shows select their audience in order to achieve maximum argumentand controversy with the guests they have on and minimum rationality. That's why I never watch them.
Re: Trisha on TV
Only kept watching it to see which porn actress they would fetch out.....
Very disappointed with Beverley Wood..... not very pretty, limited in her use of language...... and decidedly thick.
What a shame.
Though the 15 yr old.. whilst having nice tits.... was not of the right figure to pole dance (did you see her bottom when she walked in?).... and she too was mind numbingly stupid.
However..... the blonde with the long hair was utterly gorgeous!!!! She can dance with my pole anytime!
Oh well...... off to finish my 10th Symphony....
Gustav xxxxxxx
Only kept watching it to see which porn actress they would fetch out.....
Very disappointed with Beverley Wood..... not very pretty, limited in her use of language...... and decidedly thick.
What a shame.
Though the 15 yr old.. whilst having nice tits.... was not of the right figure to pole dance (did you see her bottom when she walked in?).... and she too was mind numbingly stupid.
However..... the blonde with the long hair was utterly gorgeous!!!! She can dance with my pole anytime!
Oh well...... off to finish my 10th Symphony....
Gustav xxxxxxx
Re: Trisha on TV
like you I never watch these programs. Unfortunately they epitomise the deteriorating level of debate in this country. Instead of discussing issues in a sensible adult manner, we reduce them to the level of a shouting match because it is more important to entertain people than inform or educate them.
Presumably "Wayne" and "Kenny" were aware that they would be publicly pilloried for appearing. It is always the case that those putting across the accepted or "moral" view are chosen because they personally have had a bad experience within the context of the topic being dealt with and any disagreement with their view is seen as an attack on them personally, and dispaying a lack of sympathy for their suffering.
A case in point would be the News of the World's campaign to publish pictures and addresses of paedophiles. Any dissent towards this was viewed as "being sympathetic" towards child abusers rather than simply pointing out that this was a mandate for a bunch of pissed up yobbos to go chucking bricks through peoples windows. Example, a female doctor was driven from her home in Wales (I think) after locals discovered she was a PAEDIATRICIAN!
Depressing isn't it!
like you I never watch these programs. Unfortunately they epitomise the deteriorating level of debate in this country. Instead of discussing issues in a sensible adult manner, we reduce them to the level of a shouting match because it is more important to entertain people than inform or educate them.
Presumably "Wayne" and "Kenny" were aware that they would be publicly pilloried for appearing. It is always the case that those putting across the accepted or "moral" view are chosen because they personally have had a bad experience within the context of the topic being dealt with and any disagreement with their view is seen as an attack on them personally, and dispaying a lack of sympathy for their suffering.
A case in point would be the News of the World's campaign to publish pictures and addresses of paedophiles. Any dissent towards this was viewed as "being sympathetic" towards child abusers rather than simply pointing out that this was a mandate for a bunch of pissed up yobbos to go chucking bricks through peoples windows. Example, a female doctor was driven from her home in Wales (I think) after locals discovered she was a PAEDIATRICIAN!
Depressing isn't it!
Re: Trisha on TV
What is so depessing is that the people who queue up to get tickets to these shows, and to a very large extent, the people who watch them (apologies, Hootsman!!) are the the dumbed down idiots who sit in judgement of the porn industry.
Everyone's a victim!
Everyone's a victim!