margaret hassan.

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margaret hassan.

Post by steve56 »

well it looks like shes been murdered saw a bit of the 6 o clock news last night;but when her pic was shown it looked like penelope wilton.
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Care International Iraq

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Just shows what utter fanatics the insurgents are...quite chilling

Its all coming to a head IMHO

No winners just losers...the true nature of war

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Wooly Bully

Post by RetroDon »

Set foot in a war-zone in the middle-east and it's gonna be 50-50, no matter what ou are there for.

Stiil, it'll be another minute of silence at some point and she'll go down as some sort of modern saint.
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Re: margaret hassan.

Post by boab »

Just shows what sort of men these are!

Kidnapped a 60-year old woman ... hold her hostage for weeks ... and then film themselves shooting her in the head!

Hope these animals die a slow, painful death.
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Re: margaret hassan.

Post by eduardo »

I posted a similar thread before on Ken Bigley and whereas I did feel some sympathy (which I didn't think I would) at the end particularly for his family, this is completely different.

Ken Bigley went there because he could get paid a lot of money for doing so and weighed up the pros and cons and unfortunately came unstuck but he made his own choice.

Margaret Hassan was there to help people and had dedicated her life to helping others less fortunate than her and was in Iraq for this reason and not for money. She also didn't go to a war zone. She had lived there for 30 years.

This is a truly barbaric act of cowardice and lets hope that these kidnappers/terrorists actions turn the rest of the Islamic world against them.
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Re: Animals

Post by Ace »

Why do people who act as barbarians get labelled 'animals'?
Animals don't act in a barbaric way, its called nature. True, some animals kill in a ruthless and horrific manner, but to survive and eat, not for gain like the lawless barbarians in Iraq have done.

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: margaret hassan.

Post by steve56 »

there what we call fanatics .
Officer Dibble
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Re: margaret hassan.

Post by Officer Dibble »

Yeah, hopefully they soon come face to face with 'Puff The Magic Dragon' as some colourfully refer to the AC 130 gunship or maybe they'll get their asses bombed off? We can only hope.

But it just goes to show what totally irrational wankers, scumbags, and idiots, these cunts are. They systematically and cold bloodedly murdered a 60-year lady who had devoted her life to helping Iraq and the Iraqi people. There are those here who wring their hands and say "Oh dear, isn?t it awful about all the Iraqi's that have accidentally been killed in the war" and then go on to beat themselves up, in an orgy of hand wringing, because Joe Public in Britain doesn?t seem to give the slightest toss about 'em. Well, this is partly the reason - we don't view them as being as rational, reasonable, and yes, as civilised, as us in the west. i.e., we unconsciously don't view them as our equals. We don't view them as putting the same value on human life as we do, and because of that we don't think they'll really be all that upset if we accidentally kill a few of their family members - Hey, life is cheap over there. They'll soon get over it. This is why we don't care about genocide in Africa or other parts of the third world.

Unfortunately, the actions of these Islamist loonies will only seek to reinforce those regrettable sentiments and when ordinary Brits hear more reports of the coalition 'kicking ass' in Iraq it will put a generous spring into their step and scratch the itch caused by the outrages and atrocities of those evil, sociopathic, Islamist, loons. But maybe that is what these divi, nihilistic, zealots (you can't talk to them, reason with them or help them) want? They are wanky crackpot twats who simply want death and destruction in the form of 'jihad'. Maybe they think that if they can goad The Coalition into hitting the insurgents and terrorists harder and harder, then all other Muslims in the world will pile in on their side, thereby creating the holy war between Islam and Christendom that they dream of?

Of course that would never happen, and if, in the hypothetical event that it did, it would be a gigantic turkey shoot for us - Ironically all because of Islam, which has halted any technical or social progress in Arab nations since mediaeval times. All they can do nowadays is export a few cases of dates and a couple rugs. Without the happy accident of oil they would be totally fucked and as poor as some African nations.

Officer Dibbs
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: margaret hassan.

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

They're is a rumor circulating that at least some of the kidnappings have been done by hardcore opportunist criminals & not religious fanatics since several governments paid cash for the release of their citizens

Another reason why you don't make deals with terrorists under any circumstances

Just like removing all your personnel from IRAQ

Just says the current actions are working

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Re: margaret hassan.

Post by RetroDon »

They're what I call arseholes