Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by jaybo »

Us brits not do much for a couple of years ? we aint got nowt to do owt with ?
Holden MacGroyn
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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

The problem with people is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?

Still.....Holden MacGroyn

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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by woodgnome »

Holden MacGroyn wrote:

> For anyone that wants something funny, the mods are cunts for
> deleting a post I made on the other side.
> I posted a fair response to some girl asking for advice which
> was pretty obvious anyway.
> So anyway, I'd love a mod to explain why it was deleted.
> You've gotta laugh at them sometimes.
> Give a man a uniform or position of power and he beomces a
> little Hitler.

the only reason this post remains up is because removing it would trash all of the responses below it.

your post was removed because it was unneccesarily arsey towards someone who made a polite request for help.

the fact is, just about everyone has a post deleted at some point (except maybe caractacus) and when you consider how infrequently it happens compared to the hundreds, approaching thousands, of posts that you make, it doesn't seem to warrant a burgeoning persecution complex.

how you 'relate' to people on this forum is one thing - on the main forum it's a different kettle of fish. it is not a 'club' where everyone is in on the joke which is more the case here. if you can't be bothered to change your style stick to the o/t. it's not personal, it's the same for everyone.

btw, the mods on this site don't do what they do for the pleasure of being called 'cunts' by you or anyone else. abuse gets you barred in a heartbeat on many other forums because experience shows that zero-tolerance is the surest way of preventing more of the same. we don't adhere to that policy because this is a site about porn not geo-politics. all the same, we don't appreciate it if someone keeps sticking their muddy boots on our nice, clean coffee table long after they've been told to wipe their feet at the door.

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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by steve56 »

well i never voted for him.
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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by woodgnome »

Holden MacGroyn wrote:

> For anyone that wants something funny, the mods are cunts for
> deleting a post I made on the other side.
> I posted a fair response to some girl asking for advice which
> was pretty obvious anyway.
> So anyway, I'd love a mod to explain why it was deleted.
> You've gotta laugh at them sometimes.
> Give a man a uniform or position of power and he beomces a
> little Hitler.

the only reason this post remains up is because removing it would trash all of the responses below it...

your post was removed because it was unnecessarily arsey towards someone who made a polite request for help.

the fact is, just about everyone has a post deleted at some point (except maybe caractacus) and when you consider how infrequently it happens compared to the hundreds - approaching thousands - of posts that you make, it hardly warrants a persecution complex.

how you 'relate' to people on this forum is one thing but on the main forum it's a different kettle of fish. over 'there' everyone is not always in on the joke or savvy to your 'style' as is usually the case over here. If you can't adapt then you're better of sticking to the o/t. this isn't personal to you - it applies to everyone.

btw, the mods on this site don't do what they do for the pleasure of being called 'cunts' by you or anyone else. abuse of that sort will get you barred in a heartbeat on other forums, simply because experience shows that zero-tolerance is the surest way of preventing more of the same. we don't adhere to that policy because this is a site about porn not geo-politics. all the same, we have our limits when pushed, like everyone else, and if someone keeps sticking their muddy boots on our nice, clean coffee table long after they've been told to wipe their feet at the door, they can't be too surprised when a steaming hot cuppa is poured on to their crotch...
Holden MacGroyn
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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

Relax Woody.
Firstly, I don't think my post was arsey at all.
The fact remains, that the girls question was self explanatory.
The fact that she said it would no doubt get worse as the person in question was a board member, put it into a different light altogether.
There really wasn't any need to mention that as it was baiting more than anything else.

I answered the question but without having to go into "Oooh do tell all the details" route.

I was respectful, yet confident enough in my approach to say, it hardly warranted a post as the answer was way too obvious, and not just to me.

As for calling mods cunts, well you know I don't mean it in a vindictive way as I, along with others have taken the piss out of mods in the past.
The only boards where I've seen mods gets get uber-shirty, is where they are made up of spotty little anoraks with an over-inflated sense of self.
Thankfully, the mods here are a little more humane.

The analogy of wiping feet on a table has been used before by your very good self, although if you do pour coffee on my bollocks, I at least expect a kiss first. I may be rough, but I'm nobody's bitch darling.

If I was just about cunting people off left, right & centre, I could completely understand a ban and a fanfair of fuck off's, but I'd like to think I bring something else to this forum.
However, you lot run the show & your decisions are final.
I know that a deleted post will never be put back and I know that I am not the only person to have a post deleted, but, and again a big one, I do have the right to whinge, bitch, moan & whine about it.
It's part of being British.

Anyway, let's do lunch. You'll find that I am actually a polite bloke.

Perhaps if the mods got involved a little more in our debates and let their hair down, they'd find things aren't as bad.

p.s Crackers you total arse kisser. Bring some Apples next time.

Still.....Holden MacGroyn

Holden MacGroyn
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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

Well then obviously, you're not a dickhead Steve.

Still.....Holden MacGroyn

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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by Pervert »

I just knew I was going to get this sort of abuse. I mean I try to do all the right stuff---slag off celebs, post meaningless garbage in the wee small hours, etc. What's a guy to do?
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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by Heathray »

He can't become president, he is not a natural born American. He can become Vice. Remember Kissinger couldn't become president as he wasn't born in the USA either.

Anyway Adolf was a moderate compared to George Warmonger Bush.
Holden MacGroyn
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Re: Arnie For President?!....Now Don't Be Nazi To Him.

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

Did you actually read the article Ray?
Some are trying to change the bill so that US citizens born elsewhere can run for President.
That's what this is all about.

I know perfectly well that as it stands, only a person born in the US can go for President.

Still.....Holden MacGroyn
