Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

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R18 DVD Shop
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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by R18 DVD Shop »

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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by b217bravo »

I agree that he knew the risks but the lure of big bucks was too much to resist, whilst I am sorry that he has been executed I feel more sympathy for his family than for the man himself.
It was inevitable that he would be killed at sometime but thought that they would have carried out their threat , for maximum effect, just as B'liar' was spouting his rubbish at the party conference, the shit really would have hit the fan then leaving Blair covered in it with no where to hide,
Oh Joy.
PS, been a labour supporter all my life.
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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by Pianaman »

I don't know how you can say that you have 0% sympathy. I feel saddened by this news and feel for his family despite the fact that I agree he shouldn't have been there and that the Iraqi's have a right to fight for their liberation but this in no way helps their cause imho. There's no justification of this sort of barbarity on either side. Seeing him in the caage the other day reminded me of the Guantanamo prisoners - several of whom have also been murdered.
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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by Mojo »

I agree, I too kind of had a twinge of sympathy after hearing that he was beheaded, which is no way for any non-evil person to go. But as has been said previously by numerous people, you can't feel too sorry for someone who stands on the train tracks knowing all too well that there will be a train coming at some point, especially when you do so for ????.

As has been said on the news, the guy did what he did for money, for a job. You know what? I know for certain that NO job in the world; NO amount of money in the world is worth the high risk he took for profit. Every person with an ounce of sense knows that if you want to keep your head on your shoulders, then the middle east, and ESPECIALLY Iraq are the last places that you want to go.

99% of me says that he knew the risks of going where he did, but he still went because his job and money was more important to him than his safety. So, it might sound heartless to say this, but tough luck! By not telling his bosses to get stuffed, and by going where he did for something as shallow as money, then he asked for everything he got. And despite my disagreeing with the government going to war in the first place, I still agree that the government did the right thing by not making bargains with terrorists in order to save one rather stupid greedy man.

Now, if Ken Bigley had been in a safe country when he was kidnapped, then this would have been a totally different thing altogether. If this had been the case, then I would have been 100% sympathetic towards Mr Bigley and I would have wanted the filth that murdered him to be tracked down by any means possible and be seen to in the most unpleasant means possible, along with Blairs resignation to boot.

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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by eduardo »

I never said that I had no sympathy for him. I said that I had "some" sympathy for him. Thats in my post.

Please also read my post "It looks like it happened" I say as much there as well.

As I said before I didn't think I'd have any sympathy for him at all.

I do. Why?

Because I'm a normal human being and part of the emotions of being normal is that we feel compassion for people. It's what seperates us from others.

I still stand by what I said though. He knew the risks he was taking and made his own decision to go. He went of his own accord and nobody made him go to Iraq.
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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by jaybo »

I thought he would be let free after the amount of time they kept him , but then you have to realise the absolute savage bastards they we're dealing with , i wonder what McAlesse would have done (f**k McNab) . JJ .
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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by RetroDon »

In my opinion, another "minute of silence" today is taking the piss. Are we to have minutes of silence everytime someone dies of anything other than old age?
People die all the time, of all nationalities, all this phony grief and sympathy means nothing. It's just a sympton of the times we live in, and the influence of Tony Thatcher-Blair, the one person who definitely has blood on his hands. And if we were to have "minutes of silence" everytime someone dies as a result of this stupid war our beloved dictator has led us into, we'd spend our days in bed.
Holden MacGroyn
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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

It seems, according to todays papers, that Bigley was freed but then recaptured in a bungled attempt to save him?

Fucking evil cunts.

Still.....Holden MacGroyn

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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by Ace »

It reports that one or possibly two of the captors were bribed by British intelligence to help 'our Ken' escape.
If you felt sorry for what happened to Ken, pity the one or two that helped him briefly won't be as quick as with a knife, although it will be as gruesome, thats for sure!!

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Holden MacGroyn
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Re: Ken Bigley.Do you feel sorry for him?

Post by Holden MacGroyn »

Yeah I read one of those guys got shot.
Although I agree that if you spread your arse in a randy gorillas cage, you're going to get fucked to death, the thought of Ken thinking he had nearly made it and then getting fucked is depressing.
How many of us were cheering on Billy Hayes in Midnight Express?
You get my drift I suppose.

Still.....Holden MacGroyn
