Billy Connolly

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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by jazmakk »

Thank you Deuce at last a man with a modicum of sence come on people this is paper talk and come on Caractacus how can you take anything the SUN says at face value i'm sorry but PLEASE ITS THE BLOODY SUN they would make a freckle into a melinoma for petes sake
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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by jazmakk »

sorry Caractacus that sould have been Illinoisblue many appologies (to many sherbits)
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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by Illinoisblue »

I'm well aware of what the Sun and other tabloids get up to; I merely looked there because I had no idea what Mart's original post was about.

And anyway, the audience's 'shocked and disgusted' reaction is largely irrelevant; Connolly made the joke - end of story.

Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

My refernce was from the BBFC report not the sun
and as far as I'm concerned the only valid point was made by someone "who was there" the rest is second hand gossip

If you've ever played charades you know by the time you get to the second and third person the context and meaning are lnearly always lost

I take scant notice of papers regardless of their reputations

Most editors will run with a story if it will sell more papers regardless of the real truth

I'm not surprised that Connolly isn't making any comment because as all Celebs know if you open your mouth they will only twist the words like a trial lawyer to stir up more controversy and henceforth sell more papers

If the think The Sun is bad try Fox News TV in with no journalism involved

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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by mart »

Didn't you see the footage of him at some airport. It was Elton John in Spades.


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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by Pervert »

It's true, I should have taken this with at least a sackful of salt---but it was reported on several reputable sites. But maybe I have let my dislike of Connolly get the better of me.

Never met him, never likely to, but he strikes me as a fake.

We've no doubt all made tasteless, horrible remarks at times (I know I have), but in such a public place and (if the story is true) to be so unapologetic about it, well, it's just nasty.
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Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

The press deserve all they get on this one

Making a story out of an observation from a Celeb/Comedian just shows how low most publications will sink thesedays to fill in the pages between the adverts

How does a comment(which can easily be taken more than one way) by a comedian rate as a news worthy story?

As Connolly said in between F...this and f...that at the airport
when he was told who the reporter was from

"The Sun" your not the News your just the gutter press

Cheap stunt as far as I'm concerned

Sign of the times where REAL news is overlooked and Manafactured Bollocks has taken its place

Of course it will sell papers...fuckin muppets that read such shite

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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by Pervert »

Bags I get to be Gonzo the Great. You can be Beaker.
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Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

How did you know that was my nickname from school...small world?

Good choice Gonzo the Great...I get a protector for the Conch though!!!

In that case I'll take Fuzzy Bear...all hot air & enthusiasm but with no punch

Roger Fukwit
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Re: Billy Connolly

Post by Roger Fukwit »

Well it looks as if Billy Conolly has got his wish, what a despicable CUNT that man is. You cant imagine what the Bigley family are going through right now. They certainly don't need to read about some low life like Conolly trying to get a laugh over something so tragic. Shame on him.